Messico, le concerie riaprono, ma la piena produttività è lontana

Mexico: tanneries reopen, but full productivity is still far

Tanneries in Mexico have reopened, in a sense, heading toward normality. Other businesses in the León State have started working as well in the first half of June, all following those lucky enough to start sooner. A new hope for the 13,000 people employed in the district, but productivity at the sites still isn’t at […]


ITALIAN CASE HISTORY | 140 tailored years

Starting as a shoe-shop in 1880, it converted to leather goods at the end of the 60s. then, it becomes the reference company for car manufacturers when it comes to producing leather custom-made luggage. Here is the extraordinary story of Italian business Schedoni


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Cotance: EU should use Italy as an example on leather regulations

Cotance: EU should use Italy as an example on leather regulations

Andreas Kindermann, President of Cotance, has gone straight to the point. Speaking his mind, he has warmly welcomed, “with all his heart”, the Legislative Decree, ratified by Italy’s government on May 28. In his opinion, it is quite an accomplishment, because it “puts an end to the usurpation of our terminology” by those who want […]

Burberry plans for leather certification with Italian tanneries

Burberry plans for leather certification with Italian tanneries

On the one hand, 2019 revenues coming from shoes and bags enjoyed a boost; on the other hand, Burberry is going to focus its prospective development on Italian leather. In fact, the British brand will successfully carry out its leather certification plans as long as they can rely on collaboration with Italian tanneries. The aim […]

Bizzarri explains Gucci Equilibrium and its idea of ​​sustainability

Bizzarri explains Gucci Equilibrium and its idea of ​​sustainability

A way to do one’s duty towards the planet and society and, at the same time, anticipate science’s own times. This is how Marco Bizzarri explains Gucci Equilibrium, the platform launched in 2018 by the Florentine brand and now updated with new communication tools and purposes. “Last year, when we decided to make a radical […]

The NYT talks about green cars and shows they ignore what leather is

The NYT talks about green cars and shows they ignore what leather is

Such is the paradox. In the same article, the New York Times first claims that luxury cars, on their transitional way towards electric models, require sustainable interiors to consider them green. Then, shortly after, they list leather amongst materials they deem as inappropriate for the task. In other words, the NYT shows they do not […]

Sneakers and leather, a customisation lesson with Lineapelle

Sneakers and leather, a customisation lesson with Lineapelle

Extreme attention to detail. The unbridled passion for streetstyle, sneakers and leather. Straight from Los Angeles, Nicholas Avery and Gustavo Servin of La La Land Artlab taught (on Thursday June 11, 2020) the secrets of repairing and creative customisation to the social community of Lineapelle Now & Together. Two activities that Avery and Servin have […]

Lineapelle meets Tokyo for summer trends digital presentation

Lineapelle meets Tokyo for summer trends digital presentation

It used to be and is still a scheduled date. That is why, despite Covid-19, it took place anyway. Lineapelle meets Tokyo Leather Fair: in a different variation though, digital and remote of course. Last Thursday the Japanese event exhibition hosted, on Zoom platform, the traditional presentation of fashion trends, formerly spotlighted during Lineapelle latest […]

US leather, raw hides and wet blue leave behind four appalling months

US leather, raw hides and wet blue leave behind four appalling months

Four appalling months have just gone by. US leather leaves them behind. In fact, looking at data and figures about exports, recently made public by LHCA (Leather and Hide Council of America), overseas sales, with regard both to rawhides and wet blue, have been going through a considerable downturn. Four appalling months From January to […]

Gearing up for a swift growth: China’s leather industry shows optimism

Gearing up for a swift growth: China’s leather industry shows optimism

China goes beyond possible odds about recovery. China’s leather industry optimism evidences such attitude of mind, with regard, for example, to a few public statements recently released by the President of CLIA, namely China Leather Industry Association. In other words, Li Yuzhong is rather confident that China and Chinese economy, in particular the leather industry […]

Brazil proves to be short of breath as exports of leather and shoes collapse

Brazil proves to be short of breath as exports of leather and shoes collapse

Covid-19 has been affecting Brazil’s leather industry, which proves to be short of breath now. According to data provided and made public by SECEX (the Secretariat of Foreign Trade), in May 2020 Brazilian exports of raw hides and skins amounted to 55.3 million dollars. By contrast, in May 2019 they had reached 107.8 million dollars. […]

Brazilian leather is in trouble: the case of Franca cluster

Brazilian leather is in trouble: the case of Franca cluster

Brazilian leather is going through tough times. Ivan Júnior de Andrade, President of AMCOA (Associação dos Manufatores de Couros e Afins), has sounded the alarm. In fact, CRV epidemic has supposedly brought to a standstill leather manufacturing based in the district of Franca, situated in the State of São Paulo. Brazilian leather is in trouble […]

Moaconcept, sneakers made with Italian leather and post-Covid solutions

Moaconcept, sneakers made with Italian leather and post-Covid solutions

“Covid-19? For us it’s equal to an injury suffered by an athlete after having spent years training to win the gold medal at the Olympics, and that, just a few days before the race, has a terrible accident”. That’s how Matteo Tugliani, CEO of Fashiongate (in picture) commented of the situation, after his company had...


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CRV effect: Mulberry cuts over 450 employees, Marc Jacobs 60

CRV effect: Mulberry cuts over 450 employees, Marc Jacobs 60

We can call it the effect of Coronavirus on brand accounts. Mulberry cuts over 450 employees in the cost reduction plan. The British brand says that it will dismiss a quarter of its workforce: calculator in hand, it means about 474 people. “An incredibly difficult decision,” said CEO Thierry Andretta, who remains confident about the […]

The leather of a convertible Mercedes E-Class 300 doesn’t get warm in the sun

The leather of a Convertible Mercedes E-Class 300 doesn’t get warm in the sun

It reflects sun and doesn’t get warm. That’s how the new leather developed by Mercedes works. The German auto manufacturer will begin using the new components in its convertible E-Class 300 model, which will come out next year. The new functionality, says the company located in Stuttgart, will be the only difference from the materials […]

InTouch: APLF and UNIC promote made in Italy leather

InTouch: APLF and UNIC promote made in Italy leather

It starts today, Thursday, June 11, at 5 pm (Hong Kong time). It will be repeated next week, Thursday, June 18. APLF, the Hong Kong exhibition hub (whose next edition has been postponed to 2021), launches a double digital event in collaboration with UNIC – Italian Tanneries. Objective: to promote the leather’s “made in Italy” […]