L'offerta formativa di Lineapelle per brand e scuole non si ferma

Lineapelle’s educational offer for brands and schools doesn’t stop

The Fashion Studio in via Brisa 3, alas, is in lockdown. But this does not slow down the hunger for knowledge of leather and, above all, the desire to satisfy it. Lineapelle’s educational offer for brands and schools doesn’t stop. Rather, in compliance with the precautionary measures necessary to combat the spread of Coronavirus, it […]

USA, le pelli in discarica per CRV mostrano il valore della concia

USA, the hides rotting in landfills due to CRV showcase tanning’s value

The equation is (sadly) simple: when the demand for meat is high and that for finished leather is low, raw hides for the tanning segment don’t end up in tanneries. The US chain is being blocked by the Coronavirus. Stephen Sothmann, CEO of LHCA (Leather & Hide Council of America), believes this to have a...


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L'opportunismo di PETA: approfitta di CRV per infiltrarsi nei brand

PETA’s opportunism: taking advantage of CRV to infiltrate brands

We know, by writing about them we play their game. We should respond with silence. But you need to know your opponent to be able to beat him, says the adage. So it is good to focus on PETA‘s opportunism. The vegan-chic association dot not tolerates that the Coronavirus epidemic overshadows its battles. Instead, it […]

I brand SMCP: “No alle pelli esotiche” (ma quando hanno detto sì?)

SMCP’s brands: “no exotic leather” (but when did they even say yes to them?)

Here is the news: SMCP’s brands said no to exotic leather. The French edition of Fashion Network used the expression “give up” exotic leather. Good (not great). But the question is different: Sandro, Maje and Claudie Pierlot, the brands in question, have never really said yes to crocodile, lizard and reptiles. “No to exotic leather” […]

Pakistan, la concia vuole ripartire: c'è un'emergenza pelli grezze

Pakistan, tanning wants to restart: raw hides’ emergency 

Tanning wants to restart, even during the Coronavirus storm. There is a reciprocal need: Pakistan needs its tanneries to re-open to avoid a deeper crisis. Pakistan Tanners Association’s (PTA) president for the western area, Sheikh Fazlur Rehman. On April 2nd, Fazlur Rehman, asked authorities to allow tanneries to open back up. Slaughterhouses are accumulating raw […]


White, because everything is to be thought, build, written. All to be discovered in its hypothetical entrepreneurial and productive, personal and social, psychological and behavioural evolutions. Everything is to be understood in the way in which, inevitably and forcibly, we will be forced to change. We asked a group of protagonists in the leather industry to imagine how.


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Sometimes they come back. Great Britain Connolly’s leather is reborn: a tannery that made a lot of leather in the 1900s (in the true sense of the word), but that was then lost. Now it starts from its history. And from its DNA


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Le concerie sono funzionali e strategiche: UNIC scrive al Governo

Tanneries are functional and strategic: UNIC writes to the Italian Government

In a letter to the Italian Government, Gianni Russo, president of UNIC – Italian Tanneries, looks forward for “a possible decision to progressively restart economic activities, not specifically included in the list of the essential ones, could involve in the first place functional industries such as the tanning industry“. The premise “Italian leather ranks first […]

CRV, la concia portoghese teme l'effetto domino: “Niente ordini”

CRV, Portuguese tanning fears a domino effect: “No orders”

Open and operational. The Coronavirus epidemic in Portugal didn’t cause the forced shutdown of tanning-related industrial activities. But Portuguese tanners fear a domino effect, because the paralysis of the international chain will likely end up impacting local ones. Nuno Carvalho, president of APIC (national tanners’ association) and CEO of Carvalhos group, states: “our companies are...


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Cina, CLIA assicura: “La pelle ha superato CRV, operativi al 90%”

China, CLIA assures: “Leather has survived CRV, working at 90% capacity”

Good news from Chinese tanneries: leather has survived CRV. In response to LeatherMag’s questions, China Leather Industry Association (CLIA) president Li Yuzhong explains that the leather processing industry has returned to 90% of its production capacity. In short, the supply chain is recovering quickly after the so-called lockdown. The measures to contain the spread bring […]

Tokyo Leather Fair a maggio non si farà: appuntamento a dicembre

Tokyo Leather Fair will not be held in May: next appointment in December

Japan too is facing the Coronavirus emergency. While the Government of the Rising Sun declares a national emergency, Tokyo Leather Fair announces that it will not be held in May. The appointment is therefore postponed to next December. It will not be held in May Tokyo Leather Fair would have celebrated its edition number 102 […]

L'intesa dei Domenicali: Lamborghini e Ducati per la ripartenza

Domenicali’s agreement: Lamborghini and Ducati aim at restarting

They aren’t related, but they do have the same name and are, in some sort of way, colleagues. We are experiencing their agreement: Stefano Domenicali, CEO of Lamborghini and Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati, agree that Italy’s industry must recover. Contingencies to prevent the spreading of Coronavirus must of course be implemented. But plants cannot […]

Loewe, Balmain, 1.000 altri: CRV si combatte con le web community

Loewe, Balmain, 1,000 others: CRV is fought with web communities

Keeping in touch with customers at the time of Coronavirus? You can with a web community. There is no other way at the moment. Brands, from the largest to those less popular, have implemented “high creative content” digital ad strategies: those who focus on culture, those who have transformed followers in aspiring designers, those who […]

Formazione, pelle, calzatura: nuovo step per Skills4Smart TCLF

Skills4Smart TCLF move forward with training, leather and footwear

The Blueprint Erasmus + Skills4Smart TCLF European project (Textile, Clothing, Leather Goods and Footwear) moves forward. After carrying out, in 100 companies and 50 academies of professional training, an analysis of their demand for skills and expertise, they have launched a number of training programs accordingly. Such courses are due to match the eight occupational […]

CRV segna la fine di André. Timothée Paris e Me.Land in fiducia

CRV brings André to bankruptcy. Timothée Paris and Me.Land are confident

CRV has brought André to bankruptcy. The historic footwear brand, formerly in difficulties, is in receivership now. French footwear is not going to give up though. In fact, some younger brands, such as Timothée Paris and Me.Land, are more confident and take initiatives to get past the current situation. Coronavirus brings André to bankruptcy The...


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Per Pittards il '20 si apre con tante incognite, dopo un buon '19

Pittards to face a very uncertain 2020, after a positive 2019

Dealing with a decreasing demand and a rather uncertain outlook. Things are like that for Pittards too, as 2020 looks quite problematic. The British tanning and leather goods group made public data and figures about 2019, along with their outlook for this year. “The new year has begun with a downturn in demand”, commented President […]

USA, la pelle, che ha vissuto un 2019 difficile, ora teme CRV

US leather industry fears CRV after going through a difficult 2019

In the end, 2019 was not an easy year. In the meantime, Coronavirus, whose impact is still unpredictable, is about to affect the next months to come. US raw hides and skins fear CRV outbreak now. LHCA (Leather & Hides Council of America), the association representing traders and tanners in the USA, put the matter […]

Concia del nord Europa: lo stress CRV per Germania e Svezia

Northern European Tanning: CRV strains Germany and Sweden

The lockdown order, or mandatory shutdown of operations, still hadn’t arrived. But CRV is causing stress for both Germany and Sweden. Operators in both countries are having issues relating to their national and international supply chain partners. Local governments are undecisive, as shown by the difficulties in providing tools to assist with employees and business […]

Argentina, obbligo di pubblicazione per i prezzi di pelle e carne

Argentina, mandatory price posting for meat and leather

The price for meat in Argentina has skyrocketed, causing concerns within the government. During the first 3 weeks of March, prices have increased by 12%, in comparison to February, which is an increment that is added to the +6% of February over January. The situation, unfortunately, has also affected raw material for the tanning segment. […]