Il progetto didattico in collaborazione con la locale Hongik University prende il via domani

Lineapelle Award returns to Seoul: the MasterClasses become virtual

Creativity does not stop, even in these dramatic moments of health emergency. And the same goes for the training projects organised by Lineapelle and UNIC – Italian Tanneries. Therefore, despite the temporary impossibility of carrying out frontal lessons, as scheduled Lineapelle Award returns to Seoul. The educational project in collaboration with the local Hongik University […]

CRV: Expo Riva Schuh annulla giugno, Milano Unica va a settembre

CRV: Expo Riva Schuh cancels June, Milano Unica goes to September

Expo Riva Schuh has been cancelled. Milano Unica postponed. Covid-19 epidemic prompted the Board of Directors of Riva del Garda Fierecongressi to cancel the summer edition of the volume footwear fair. For the same reason, the 31st edition of the textile show, scheduled in July (7-9), will take place in September, from 7 to 9. […]

La Germania ai tempi del CRV: “Prepararsi a una recessione”

Germany at the time of the CRV: “Be prepared for a recession”

Shops closed and, every day, over 10 million unsold items including shoes, bags and clothing. Adidas, Deichmann and H&M stopped paying store rents, causing criticism. Germany at the time of CRV tells of a number of leather goods and shoe factories that go on with their business activities as usual. But also of many others...


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Faurecia reagisce a CRV: organizza il credito e riapre in Cina

Faurecia reacts to CRV: organises credit and reopens in China

The Coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, and the effects are all to be evaluated. But Faurecia reacts to CRV, or at least begins to organise its restart. The automotive supply group reviews credit lines to ensure the liquidity needed to face the crisis. And above all, while it is forced to close in the rest […]

Cina, il revenge spending per ripartire: intanto la concia ingrana

China’s recovery relies on revenge spending. Leather tanning takes off meanwhile

V stands for vengeance. Chinese government is going to rely on people’s revenge feeling to recover and enjoy a restart after Coronavirus crisis. Since infection cases keep decreasing, China is going to count upon the so-called “revenge spending”, that is, people’s desire to make up for lost time. In so doing, consumption and shopping will […]

Dalla Cina: Stella International e il suo modo di gestire il 2020

Focus on Stella International and their acting, from China, throughout 2020

Safeguarding their operating stability and tackling new business segments: such are the two pillars on which Stella International are planning to build up again 2020 activity, playing from China. In doing so, they aim to overcome Coronavirus outbreak emergency. In 2019, the footwear group, headquartered in Hong Kong, faced several up and down vicissitudes. Revenues […]

Argentina, le autorità obbligano le concerie a ritirare le pelli

Argentina, authorities are forcing tanneries to withdraw the hides

Authorities are forcing tanneries to withdraw raw hides from slaughterhouses. And Argentine tanning risks a short circuit. On Saturday March 28th, the secretary of the Federación de Industrias Frigoríficas Regionales Argentinas (FIFRA), Juan Javier Peralta, posted on Twitter the letter addressed to a group of Argentine tanneries by the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad […]

Covid-19: Rino Mastrotto Group dona 500.000 euro a Regione Veneto

Covid-19: Rino Mastrotto Group donate 500,000 euros to Veneto Region

Commitment and solidarity. Companies stand up against Covid-19 outbreak through charitable activities and donations. The same goes for Italian leather industry. In fact, in the region of Veneto, Rino Mastrotto Group, a leather-tanning group, decided to provide a tangible contribution to support the struggle against the virus. Their donation amounts to 500,000 euros. The donation […]

CRV, da Gruppo Mastrotto 100.000 euro per Fondazione San Bortolo

CRV, Gruppo Mastrotto donate 100,000 euros to Fondazione San Bortolo

Italian leather industry strives to support the struggle against Coronavirus outbreak. In the region of Veneto, Gruppo Mastrotto publicly announced a meaningful solidarity project. Primarily, they supplied a 100,000-euro donation in aid of the Fondazione San Bortolo Onlus, a non-profit organization. On top of that, they also implemented a health insurance for their employees. The […]

51,7 miliardi di dollari nel 2019 per JBS: “Non ci fermiamo”

JBS revenues up to 51.7 billion dollars in 2019: “We are not going to stop”

Indeed, JBS achieved a record-breaking performance throughout 2019. Looking at the financial statements of Brazil’s meat giant, revenues from sales amounted to about 51.7 billion US dollars. They therefore increased by 12.6% compared to 2018. We are talking about the highest earnings ever. In the fourth quarter of the year, JBS managed to make around […]

Per la borsa italiana chiudere ora è ok: la sfida arriva dopo

Italy’s leather goods’ factories believe it necessary to close down now: “The challenge will come after”

Italy’s leather goods will shut down temporarily, due to the legislative decree passes by the government on March 22, 2020, considered to be “a necessary measure”. Assopellettieri’s CEO, Danny D’Alessandro, confirmed it, explaining that “this decision comes after some companies of the segment had already decided to close down autonomously. The challenge will be to […]

La reazione della pelle austriaca a CRV per Kindermann (Wollsdorf)

Austrian leather reaction to CRV for Kindermann (Wollsdorf)

Now, at the time of writing, tanneries can still operate in Austria, within the limits imposed by the authorities for precautionary reasons. And there are still orders to be processed. The reaction of Austrian leather to CRV is there. But dark clouds are gathering on the horizon, due to market uncertainties and restrictions on international […]

Paradosso protezionista in Zambia: stop a una nuova conceria

Protectionist paradox in Zambia: stop to a new tannery

First the collapse in exports. Now the stop to a new tannery. Duties imposed by the Zambian government on exports of exotic leathers are having disastrous effects. Last December, the Zambian Crocodile Farmers Association launched the first alarm. Now the costs of those choices are paid for by the development of a new factory for […]

Standard & Poor's declassa Aston Martin: salvataggio a rischio

Standard&Poor’s downgrades Aston Martin: the rescue at risk

Standard&Poor’s downgrades Aston Martin. A very difficult news for the British automaker. And that puts the entire bailout plan at risk. Just now that Canadian billionaire Lawrence Stroll has acquired 16.7% of Aston Martin and Chinese Geely has shown interest. Standard & Poor’s downgrades Aston Martin On Tuesday, March 17th, Standard&Poor‘s revised its assessment of […]

Brasile, frena la carne: JBS e Minerva chiudono alcuni macelli

Brazil’s meat slows down: JBS and Minerva shut down a few slaughterhouses

After a long thriving period, Brazil’s livestock and farming industry has started slowing down. In fact, Covid-19 outbreak is hindering meat, produced by the South American giant. The most important groups in the country are thinking about, possibly in the future, the closure of slaughterhouses. Prudence demands for it (as much as the market feedback). […]

INESCOP prova a rivoluzionare la scarpa con la smart integration

INESCOP to revolutionise footwear through smart integration

INESCOP are striving to revolutionise the footwear production model. In fact, at Elda Technology Centre (in the province of Alicante) they have just inaugurated a digital experience and smart integration system that applies to shoe manufacturing process. The plant consists of a sort of central supercomputer, which coordinates several hardware and software technologies employed in […]

Prada tra la positività del 2019 (+3%) e l’emergenza di oggi

Prada in between “2019’s great progress” and today’s emergency

2019 and present time for Prada has consisted of an inevitable path between the “great progress” (of last year) and the (current) emergency situation. After all, analysts had forecasted a revenue of 3.21 billion euro and operating income of 306 million euro (according to Refinitiv). While 2019 was archived with 3.226 billion euro in net […]

Solidarietà e riconversione, da Prada a Manifattura di Domodossola

Fashion launches a call for temporary conversion

Fashion calls for conversion. Objective: to fight Covid-19. Specifically: to find companies able to temporarily move their production axis to packaging masks (and not only) necessary to avoid the spread of the infection. The president of Confindustria Moda, Claudio Marenzi, has made at the call to all the companies in the sector. Fashion launches the […]

La pelle traina l'Italia: concia e moda tra i Champions economici

Leather tows Italy: tanning and fashion among the economy’s Champions

Leather tows Italy’s economy. ItalyPost research center run a research study on Italian companies that registered the best performances during the period 2012-2018. The list is made of 1,000 companies divided into groups based on their results. At the top of the ranking are the “20 big” companies that have revenues between 500 million euro […]