Lineapelle 98 day 2: il trend è positivo, il mercato preoccupa

Lineapelle 98: trend is positive, market is uncertain

We are confident about the present, that is, the three-day fair event at Fieramilano Rho. Yet, we are doubtful about the future, that is, about repercussions on fashion industry owing to a possible standstill of China’s market. Two different interpretations may apply to Lineapelle 98 day 2. Today, 20th February, the fair for leather and […]

La concretezza della tecnologia: Simac Tanning Tech funziona

The pragmatism of technology: Simac Tanning Tech works

Simac Tanning Tech goes ahead valiantly. The first day, which went beyond expectations, is behind. Therefore, at the international technology fair for leather industry exhibitors faced day 2, kissed by sun. Weather fair conditions fostered a lively attendance of visitors crawling around the pavilions at Fieramilano Rho. At Fieramilano Rho, the pragmatism of technology is […]

Da TLF a Lineapelle: i vincitori della Leather Design Competition

From TLF to Lineapelle: the winners of the Leather Design Competition

From TLF to Lineapelle the landing point is lane A, Hall 9. Here you can find out how two young Japanese designers interpreted the future of accessories and leather. They are the winners of the 2019 Leather Design Competition. The competition is now a must in Japan, and stems from the collaboration between Lineapelle and […]

Craft The Leather: in mostra la libertà creativa di 10 giovani designer

Craft The Leather: showcasing the creative freedom of 10 young designers

“I love working with vegetable tanned leather. It is a natural, authentic and honest material, revealing its beauty while you work on it”. These are the words of Hingji Lee, one of ten students from the most prestigious international fashion and design schools in the world, who participated this year in the eighth edition of […]

Manifattura di Domodossola, Intreccincantiere a Lineapelle

Manifattura di Domodossola, Intreccincantiere at Lineapelle

The art of braiding is back on exhibit at Lineapelle, which hosted Intreccincantiere, on its sixth edition. In other words, the contest promoted by Manifattura di Domodossola. The aim is to scout out young talents who will be able to “carry out a project or a finished product to give top value to braiding”, created […]

Lo stile per accessori e componenti: stop all’opulenza

Style for accessories and components: no more opulence

The chorus for the summer 2021 season is simplification. While the north star guiding every choice made in regard to style, is sustainability. Simplification is the key word around which the guiding lines defined by the Lineapelle Fashion Committee have been built. The opulence of details leaves room for the newly found and linearity, where […]

A Lineapelle 98 c’è fiducia, si programma e s'aspetta il mercato

Confidence and plans at Lineapelle 98, while waiting for the market

The outcome of the fair first day is simple. Confidence is in the air, one can feel it. The Coronavirus issue has been affecting Lineapelle 98 stands: on top of that, it might hit even more heavily the fashion business. Yet, at the leather and fashion materials exhibition, on the agenda at Fieramilano Rho until […]

Il 2019 è stato un anno duro per la pelle (con poche eccezioni)

2019, a tough year for leather (with few exceptions)

Leather went through a tough time in 2019. Italian leather tanning industry suffered from a downturn both in the production and in the export value. Yet, for the records, all domestic manufacturing and supply industries, with just a very few exceptions, had to cope with difficulties last year. Every player has been dealing with the […]

Lo stile per le pelli: l’estate 2021 si presenta in Area Trend

A style for hides: presenting summer 2021 at the Trend Area

The Era of Simplifying summarizes effectively the trend mood. Very easy to translate and sum it up: to simplify. Such is the concept on which summer 2021 trends, designed and developed by Lineapelle’s Fashion Committee, will be focusing. As regards style trend for hides, we are going to outline them in the following paragraphs. Yet, […]

Numeri e target di ICEC tra crescita, sostenibilità e Lineapelle

ICEC numbers and targets, between growth, sustainability and Lineapelle

“ICEC evaluation is very positive. In fact, in the last three years we enjoyed a considerable growth, ranging from +10% to +15% every year. It means we have been working in the right way, while promoting our certification protocols and our services in Italy and in the world”. Sabrina Frontini, general manager of ICEC, illustrates […]

Mipel e Lineapelle lanciano It Lab, club del sourcing pellettiero

Mipel and Lineapelle launch It Lab, the leather sourcing club

There is strength in unity. In this case, two fairs united. Mipel and Lineapelle launched It Lab, the leather goods sourcing club. The exhibitory project presented yesterday, at Fieramilano Rho, will begin next September and will be located inside Lineapelle’s pavilions, from the 23rd to the 25th. A club of businesses “It Lab takes shape […]

Merchandising Collection e Phototelling: Lineapelle + Polimoda

Merchandising Collection and Phototelling: Lineapelle + Polimoda

A collaboration that is developed during the teaching year. A relationship that finds a moment of expression and comparison at Lineapelle. Polimoda Firenze returns to Fieramilano Rho with a dedicated exhibition space. Located in front of the entrance of Pavilion 9, it showcases the results of the Merchandising Collection project developed in collaboration with the […]

Simac Tanning Tech: la "tempesta perfetta" non ferma la fiera

Simac Tanning Tech: the “perfect storm” does not disrupt the fair event

Simac Tanning Tech kick-off responds to the “perfect storm” that is shaking global market (and not just that). Yesterday, 19th February 2020, the international fair for footwear, leather goods and tanning technology and machinery opened its 2020 edition. “We have started while being aware that we are facing the perfect storm – commented Gabriella Marchioni […]

Per tutto quello che c’è sapere su Lineapelle 98 cliccate qui

Click here for all there is to know about Lineapelle 98

Lineapelle 98 opens its doors to the present and future of the luxury and fashion segments. The whole chain will meet there to compare opinions of both commerce and style, as well as strategically looking beyond present times. All will be looking for realistic hints of the near future. And more. This edition of Lineapelle, […]

Milano caput fashion: fiere e sfilate invadono la città

Milan caput fashion: fairs and catwalks take over the city

Milan caput fashion. It will be a hectic week in Lombardy’s capital. Beside from Lineapelle, scheduled for February 19th to 21st, other fairs and catwalk shows will intertwine to create a symphony of B2B and B2C events. All characterized by the same matrix, as they are a part of the supply and manufacturing of materials […]

Filiera pelle e impegno sostenibile: seminario a Lineapelle

Leather chain and sustainable efforts: seminar at Lineapelle

Taking out any considerations over the period, politics, health emergency and others, there is one key topic that is more than just recurrent. The by-now abused one: sustainability. This matter is now a tool of marketing agencies, which is why UNIC – Italian Tanners, started its own strategic campaign focused on rationality and concreteness. For […]

Lineapelle entra in città: a Milano la mostra Questioni di Pelle

From today until February 29, Questione di Pelle awaits you

“Questione di Pelle celebrates leather. It tells about its beauty and its versatility. It demonstrates its ability to arouse emotions and to be transgressive”.“At Questione di Pelle they celebrate leather. That is a tale about leather beauty and versatility”. Questione di Pelle is the exhibition event through which Lineapelle enters in the heart of Milan […]

Sguardi coreani in fiera: lo Spazio Korean Creativity vi aspetta

Korean looks at the fair: the Korean Creativity Space awaits you

Winners of a contest will be awarded. You can admire all the prototypes made by the 24 participating students. And there is a seminar that deepens the sense of Korean style applied to leather. Lineapelle hosts Hongik University, South Korea’s leading academy for art and design. And it presents the work in progress of a […]

Il ritorno di Amici per la Pelle: siete pronti a votare?

Amici per la Pelle is back: are you ready to vote?

Lineapelle 98 celebrates Amici per la Pelle comeback. The contest has come to its 9th edition this year. Its success has been progressively increasing, year after year, with regard to participation and creative quality standards as well. Leather is young and smart then. We are about to tell you why. Identikit Amici per la Pelle […]

La mission culturale di Lineapelle: scopritela cliccando qui

Lineapelle’s cultural mission: click here and find out more

Lineapelle’s cultural mission is not something new. Yet, such mission turns into reality in a rather peculiar way during the current edition of Milan fair, which kicked off yesterday. Just head to Hall 9 and see what we are talking about. While walking along Aisle A, you will discover a painting, which dates back to […]