Simac Tanning Tech: tutta l’innovazione che c’è e che ci sarà

Simac Tanning Tech: focus on present and future innovation

Developing technology and producing plants must go hand in hand with innovation, which proves to be an ongoing requirement. Today, tomorrow, always. There we go, then, with Simac Tanning Tech, the international fair for footwear, leather goods and tanning technology, whose 2020 edition is due to kick off simultaneously with Lineapelle 98, in the exhibition […]

La pelle italiana ringrazia Micam, Mipel e incontra il ministro Di Maio

Italian leather says thanks to Micam, Mipel and meets Minister Di Maio

A synergy that finds momentum. The rediscovery of the value and excellence of a supply chain that ennobles Italian manufacturing. Italian leather says thanks to Micam and Mipel. Yesterday at Fieramilano Rho, the footwear and leather goods exhibitions opened their doors, welcoming the visit of Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. […]

Lineapelle 98 apre le porte al presente e al futuro della filiera

Lineapelle 98 open its doors to the present and the future of leather industry

The day after tomorrow, on Wednesday 19th February, Lineapelle 98 will open its doors to the present and the future of luxury and fashion industry. The whole leather industry is going to meet up to share business tips and style trends and, besides that, to look ahead, strategically, beyond the present days. Players will be […]

Innovazione e sostenibilità, tutto pronto per Simac Tanning Tech

Gearing up for Simac Tanning Tech: focus on innovation and sustainability

Innovation and sustainability. These are going to be the two pillars of Simac Tanning Tech, on its 2020 edition, the international fair for footwear, leather goods and tanning technology. The exhibition event, on its new edition, will take place at Fieramilano Rho from Wednesday 19 February to Friday 21 February, simultaneously with Lineapelle. For the […]

TheOneMilano cerca l’inverno tutto l’anno (e annuncia grandi news)

TheOneMilano runs after winter all year long, while announcing great news

TheOneMilano, on its seventh edition, is due to take place at Fieramilano City on February 20-23. The fur products and prêt-à-porter fair is going to host over 300 brands. Around 10,000 buyers will expectedly show up at the exhibition event: 6,000 pre-registrations make organizers rather confident. “It is always winter somewhere”, they claim. TheOneMilano runs […]

Con la linea 40075 Incas spiega la sua idea di Slow Leather

The 40075-Line allows Incas to explain its take on metal free

A collection of leather types that hugs the world. Incas chose the number 40075 for its new collection: the code isn’t meaningless, rather it’s the circumference of earth, in kilometers. Moreover, it chose a method thanks to which it can demonstrate one of the potential application of its “slow leather” concept idea: “Our line it […]

“No a Versace e no a Moncler”: Pinault spiega le strategie di Kering

“We will not buy out Versace nor Moncler”: Pinault illustrates Kering strategies

They are not planning to buy out Versace nor Moncler. While illustrating Kering’s prospective strategies, François-Henri Pinault made clear they are going to enhance, most of all, the portfolio of brands currently controlled by the group. They might even opt for new acquisitions, though choice standards are supposed to be extremely strict. They will not […]

Cautela e sicurezza, PrimeAsia trasloca dalla Cina in Vietnam

Caution and safety urge PrimeAsia to relocate from China to Vietnam

Caution and safety have been urging PrimeAsia to relocate “part of their leather tanning activity from China” to Vietnam. In fact, owing to Coronavirus outbreak, on Tuesday 12 February the Chinese group announced they decided to take precautionary measures. Besides that, they also emphasized that, however, none of their local employees had positive result for […]

Dazi, ritardi e qualità: i cinesi comprano meno pelle dal Kenya

Duties, delays and quality: Chinese buy less leather from Kenya

The industrial district is still to be completed, the characteristics of the materials aren’t high-quality enough, and investors run away. A dangerous situation, filled with duties and (low) quality, are paralyzing the leather segment in Kenya. As explained by the, “the industry entered a crisis after China began drastically cutting imports of semi-finished leather […]

La dinastia conciaria dei Wright si ferma alla settima generazione

The Wright tanning dynasty stops at the seventh generation

Seven generations. But now the long journey of the Wright tanning dynasty seems destined to stop. Anthony Wright is a tanner, owner of Barrhead Kid Company. He is the grandson and son of tanners. It represents the seventh generation at the helm of the family business, originally born in England, but then moved to Scotland. […]

Sognando l'America, Micam 89 parte per il Paese delle Meraviglie

Dreaming of America, Micam 89 leaves for Wonderland

A thematic journey. After having explored the otherworldly realms in the last three years with Dante’s Divine Comedy, Micam 89 leaves for Wonderland and begins a journey through the fairytale’s atmospheres. Geographies of the footwear fair are not just imaginary. Pending the Milanese appointment (Fieramilano Rho, February 16-19), the fair agency announces the launch of […]

La borsa italiana a Mipel forte del +25,8%: ma il boom ha ombre

The Italian stock exchange at Mipel is strong by + 25.8%: but the boom has shadows

Here we are. The Italian stock exchange will present at Mipel the collections for Autumn Winter 2020/2021. It get strong to this appointment (Fieramilano Rho, February 16-19) with more than positive 2019 preliminary results. In the first 10 months of the year, according to the analyses of Centro Studi di Confindustria Moda for Assopellettieri, exports […]

Assopellettieri difende il valore della pelle dall’ignoranza

Assopellettieri defends leather’s value from ignorance

The Italian bag, the excellence of Made in Italy and leather are synonymous. The three polos, our local leather goods, craftsmanship and materials are united by a common thread: quality. Although it should be clear to everyone, it is not. For this reason, Assopellettieri defends the value of leather from ignorance and detractors. There are...


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Carta canta: il Consiglio dei Ministri annuncia il Decreto Pelle

Italian Cabinet announces the publication of a leather decree

We announced, on February 5th, the likely “announcement” by the Cabinet. On February 7th, we are sure this “publication” will be made. The legislative decree protecting real leather, from the unfair competition of other materials, has passed and will be voted on, by the pertinent Commissions of both House and Senate, within the next 60 […]

Non chiamarla pelle se è plastica: la concia argentina si mobilita

Don’t call it leather if it’s plastic: Argentina’s tanning segment makes its move

No diga cuero si es plàstico. In other words: Don’t call it leather if its plastic. That’s the “statement” made by Argentina’s tanners, as they decided to begin “a contrasting campaign against the improper use” of the word “leather”. The Cámara Industrial de las Manufacturas del Cuero y Afines (CIMA) is working on a legislative proposal […]

Stahl aiuta la svolta green di Kanpur con il Center of Excellence

Stahl helps Kanpur go green with its Center of Excellence

Stahl is supporting Kanpur in going greener. The Dutch multinational active in the chemicals’ industry opened its Center of Excellence this past February 7th. The Center is dedicated to technologies that can support India’s tanneries in their quest to become greener. The site is located in the Uttar Pradesh district, and is part of a […]

Young Leather Scientist Awards 2020: ecco chi ha vinto

Young Leather Scientist Awards 2020: here are the winners

The winners of the Young Leather Scientist Awards 2020 have been announced. The IULTCS (International Union of Leather Technlogists and Chemists Societies) executive committee has published the names of the researchers that won the prize assigned by the entity for “the study of new technology to treat leather”. Three awards were given. The first for “basic […]

Dal prodotto al retail, Sciutto ci spiega i piani per Sergio Rossi

From product to retail, Sciutto illustrates Sergio Rossi plans

A comeback to “in house” production. To revamp men’s footwear. Retail sales. Such are the ambitious plans of Sergio Rossi’s top management. Not to mention, on top of those, digital experience and sustainability, among others. Riccardo Sciutto, former manager at Hogan, has been tackling all these issues since April 2016, when he first took office...


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