A Lawrence Stroll il 16,7% di Aston Martin per 182 milioni

Lawrence Stroll takes 16.7% of Aston Martin for 182 million

16.7% of Aston Martin is now in the hands of Lawrence Stroll. The Canadian billionaire decided to acquire part of the British manufacturer’s capital. According to what reported by ansa.it, the acquisition had a value of circa 182 million pounds (about 216 million euro). Stroll’s ownership though, is destined to grow to 20%. Mr. Stroll […]

Brexit è fatta: per lo meno, il lusso inglese ora ha una certezza

Brexit, the deal is done: at least, English luxury now has a certainty

With the implementation of Brexit, British luxury now has a certainty: eleven months of transition await it. It is the period during which the United Kingdom will remain within the EU’s economic jurisdiction. In the meantime, it will negotiate a new commercial agreement with Europe, but also with other countries, USA above all. English luxury […]

Hardy UK prepara il nuovo stabilimento: sarà pronto ad agosto

Hardy UK prepares the new site: ready in August

Hardy UK is getting its new production site ready. The British company that manufactures precision blades for the tanning segment will change headquarter. As of today, the company is located in the Bootle neighborhood, in Liverpool. But the company is currently building a new site of 2,000 square meters at the logistics cluster Mersey Reach […]

Coronavirus non ferma Lineapelle, Simac Tanning Tech e Micam

Lineapelle and Simac Tanning Tech will take place as scheduled

Lineapelle is on the agenda, at Fieramilano Rho, on next February 19-21. The exhibition is going to welcome around 1,250 exhibitors. As regards buyers, about 20,000 of them will expectedly show up at the fair, as usual. Simac Tanning Tech (the fair that spotlights technology for the leather, footwear and leather goods industry) will run […]

Le cinque ragioni per accreditarsi a Lineapelle e venire a Milano

Five good reasons to register for Lineapelle and come over to Milan

Lineapelle is about to present, at Fieramilano Rho, on 19-21 February 2020, its 98th edition. We have pinpointed five valuable reasons to register for the fair event (click here to submit your registration online) and visit the exhibition. Here they are, as follows. The world is here – Sounds like a platitude. It is not […]

Da Londra a New York: le preview di Lineapelle dicono “sì” - FOTOGALLERY

From London to New York: Lineapelle’s sneak previews say “yes”- PHOTOGALLERY

Lineapelle is calling, and the market answers back. London and New York fairs, which are the sneak previews of the most important business experience in the leather industry, have sent a very interesting feedback. Undoubtedly, Lineapelle London (which took place at the Ham Yard Hotel, on Tuesday 21st January) has sent very comforting messages. As […]

Parola d’ordine: semplificare. Lineapelle lancia l’estivo 2021

The key word is simplifying. Lineapelle to launch summer 2021 trends

The Era of Simplifying. Summer 2021 trends, designed and developed by Lineapelle Fashion Committee, are going to focus on such concept: simplifying. Saying stop to excess Lineapelle outlines the Era of Simplifying as follows: “There is a desire for simplification, therefore getting rid of redundancy and complications”. Looking ahead at style trends, the aim will […]

La pelle è giovane e smart: torna il concorso Amici per la Pelle

Leather is young and smart: the “Amici per la Pelle” contest is back

At Lineapelle 98, the “Amici per la Pelle” contest is back. It is a traditional date, at this point, since this year the event is going to be on edition n.9. Its success has been progressively increasing, year after year, with regard to participation and creative quality standards as well. Leather is young and smart […]

Lineapelle premia gli studenti Polimoda per il merchandising

Lineapelle awards prize to Polimoda students for merchandising

They launched the Lineapelle Merchandising Collection in May 2019. The contest was directed at students attending Fashion Marketing & Communications and Fashion Product Management Polimoda undergraduate courses, in Florence. In addition, they also engaged students attending Leather Technology, Fashion Design Management and Footwear & Accessories Design courses. Such was the aim of the competition: to […]

Lineapelle Award, 24 studenti coreani scoprono la pelle italiana

Lineapelle Award, 24 Korean students discover Italian leather

To design a cutting-edge application of Italian leather to fashion products or design items. Subsequently, to match it with a disruptive marketing strategy to target successfully younger buyers and their curiosity. Such are the challenges set by Lineapelle Award, a special educational project arranged by Milan’s leather and fashion materials fair in partnership with Hongik […]

La conferma di Lineapelle New York: stabilità e interesse

Once again, Lineapelle New York rests upon stability and interest

In New York, Lineapelle increases awareness of its own role, based on stability. Once again, Lineapelle New York, which took place in the Big Apple on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 January, proved to be a benchmark to top North American buyers, as much as a creative energy to drive the market, which is consistently […]

Milano dà il benvenuto a febbraio e alla sua giostra di fiere

Milan gears up for February exhibitions

Milan is gearing up for February fairs. Indeed, in the weeks to come, professionals and operators, actively playing in the leather, fashion and luxury industry, will be engaged in several appealing fairs and exhibition events. The agenda is full (a great deal). We strove to outline it. Save the dates then. 4th February The exhibiting […]

Andava pur detto: “BMW, è inaccettabile la plastica nel lusso”

Let us speak out: “BMW, it is unacceptable to launch a luxury car with plastic interiors”

The message is rather simple. We can sum it up this way: “Dear BMW, luxury cannot accept plastic at all”. Therefore, leather is going to replace the synthetic material. According to Atanas Vilner, founder of Bulgarian company Vilner, which specializes in the manufacturing of tuners, the interiors of the new BMW X7 M50d, a luxury...


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UNIC e ICEC parlano di pelle e certificazioni in Portogallo

UNIC and ICEC illustrate leather and certifications in Portugal

UNIC and ICEC focus on leather and certifications in Portugal. The venue of the event, which took place yesterday, was CTIC, the Leather Industry Technology and Research Centre, based in Alcanena. Here they held a workshop linked to the Social & Environmental Reporting 2020 programme, promoted by the European Commission. The event and its meaning […]

Kampekina insegna: per l’eccellenza serve solo la pelle italiana

Excellence relies on Italian leather exclusively, says Kanpekina

“In the past I used to make use of leather coming from other countries. France and the United Kingdom, for example. Subsequently, I decided to enhance progressively the quality standards of my shoes manufacturing. I realized that only Italian leather could provide excellence I was actually looking for. At present I make use of leather […]

Marco Massetti, l’ONU e la sneaker in pelle per i diritti umani

Marco Massetti, UNO and leather sneakers for human rights

His sneakers aim to promote human rights. Fashion designer Marco Massetti, from the Marche, designed and manufactured them. On December 9-10, he presented his Human Right Sneakers collection at the UNO (United Nations Organization) headquarters, in Geneva. Most of the proceeds, coming from sales, will be allocated to a non-profit association for Human Rights and […]

LVMH sorride 53,7 miliardi di volte: il suo 2019 è da record

LVMH smiles 53.7 billion times: 2019 breaks a new record

LVMH has 53.7 billion reasons to smile, as it further strengthens its leadership over the luxury market. The French conglomerate closed 2019 with 54 billion euro in revenue. A record that is equal to an outstanding growth of +15% at current rates and +10% at constant rates. The Fashion & Leather Goods division is pulling […]

Ferragamo rivede la luce: 1,377 miliardi nel 2019 e +2,3%

Ferragamo sees the light once again: 1.377 billion in 2019 for a +2.3% performance

2019 brings back the positive sign to Salvatore Ferragamo’s sales. The luxury brand hadn’t had a positive year since 2015. The result is particularly significant because obtained even with the deeply negative drop of Hong Kong’s sales (-45% in the third quarter and -50% in the fourth). Ferragamo seems to once again see the light: […]

Quando la pelle ritorna: si riaprono spazi nella scarpa di volume

When leather makes a comeback: more room in “volume” shoes

When leather makes a comeback. The reference is directed towards one of the more “hostile” destination segments for the tanning industry: mid-range and “volume” shoes. The hit felt by the tanning segment, throughout the last few years, due to the alternative materials (and cheaper), was structural and particularly damaging. But now the trend seems to...


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