Andava pur detto: “BMW, è inaccettabile la plastica nel lusso”

Let us speak out: “BMW, it is unacceptable to launch a luxury car with plastic interiors”

The message is rather simple. We can sum it up this way: “Dear BMW, luxury cannot accept plastic at all”. Therefore, leather is going to replace the synthetic material. According to Atanas Vilner, founder of Bulgarian company Vilner, which specializes in the manufacturing of tuners, the interiors of the new BMW X7 M50d, a luxury...


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UNIC e ICEC parlano di pelle e certificazioni in Portogallo

UNIC and ICEC illustrate leather and certifications in Portugal

UNIC and ICEC focus on leather and certifications in Portugal. The venue of the event, which took place yesterday, was CTIC, the Leather Industry Technology and Research Centre, based in Alcanena. Here they held a workshop linked to the Social & Environmental Reporting 2020 programme, promoted by the European Commission. The event and its meaning […]

Kampekina insegna: per l’eccellenza serve solo la pelle italiana

Excellence relies on Italian leather exclusively, says Kanpekina

“In the past I used to make use of leather coming from other countries. France and the United Kingdom, for example. Subsequently, I decided to enhance progressively the quality standards of my shoes manufacturing. I realized that only Italian leather could provide excellence I was actually looking for. At present I make use of leather […]

Marco Massetti, l’ONU e la sneaker in pelle per i diritti umani

Marco Massetti, UNO and leather sneakers for human rights

His sneakers aim to promote human rights. Fashion designer Marco Massetti, from the Marche, designed and manufactured them. On December 9-10, he presented his Human Right Sneakers collection at the UNO (United Nations Organization) headquarters, in Geneva. Most of the proceeds, coming from sales, will be allocated to a non-profit association for Human Rights and […]

LVMH sorride 53,7 miliardi di volte: il suo 2019 è da record

LVMH smiles 53.7 billion times: 2019 breaks a new record

LVMH has 53.7 billion reasons to smile, as it further strengthens its leadership over the luxury market. The French conglomerate closed 2019 with 54 billion euro in revenue. A record that is equal to an outstanding growth of +15% at current rates and +10% at constant rates. The Fashion & Leather Goods division is pulling […]

Ferragamo rivede la luce: 1,377 miliardi nel 2019 e +2,3%

Ferragamo sees the light once again: 1.377 billion in 2019 for a +2.3% performance

2019 brings back the positive sign to Salvatore Ferragamo’s sales. The luxury brand hadn’t had a positive year since 2015. The result is particularly significant because obtained even with the deeply negative drop of Hong Kong’s sales (-45% in the third quarter and -50% in the fourth). Ferragamo seems to once again see the light: […]

Quando la pelle ritorna: si riaprono spazi nella scarpa di volume

When leather makes a comeback: more room in “volume” shoes

When leather makes a comeback. The reference is directed towards one of the more “hostile” destination segments for the tanning industry: mid-range and “volume” shoes. The hit felt by the tanning segment, throughout the last few years, due to the alternative materials (and cheaper), was structural and particularly damaging. But now the trend seems to...


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Il boom di ANWR (+56% nel 2019) non è merito degli accessori

ANWR’s boom (+56% in 2019) isn’t thanks to accessories 

The sporting goods are responsible for ANWR’s positive performance. Moreover, 2019 will be remembered as the company’s boom. But the merit isn’t of the accessories sold. Footwear and leather goods sales slightly decreased during 2019, the 100th anniversary of the company. The group has chosen to focus on its more succesful products with regards to […]

Stella International lascia la Cina e il fatturato cede (-1,3%)

Stella International leaves China and lowers its revenue (-1.3%)

Moving production out of China is expensive. Stella International, which has been slowly relocating production from China to South-East Asia, is well aware of that. The group’s revenue result at the end of the year was of -1.3%, but the group is optimistic for 2020. The income statement Stella International archived 2019 with a revenue […]

Vietnam, nel 2020 l’obiettivo è export di accessori a 24 miliardi

Vietnam, the goal for 2020 is to export accessories for 24 billion

Export of footwear and handbags from Vietnam continues to grow. Foreign revenue in 2019 reached 22 billion USD. The goal for 2020 is for the value of all accessories to reach 24 billion, also thanks to the free-trade agreements reached lately. The past year According to Lefaso, Vietnam’s association for footwear and handbags’ manufacturers, the […]

Potere della crisi: a Turchia e India i dazi non piacciono più

The power of a crisis: Turkey and India are no longer fans of duties

Turkey and India have changed their minds about duties. A crisis is more convincing than any roundtable and any “moral suasion” operation to change opinions, regardless of editorial origin. The drop of demand for finished leather has pushed some chains, until now in a position of comfortable protectionism, to review the priorities. That’s the case […]

Bentley Flying Spur spinge il lusso ai limiti. E lo fa con pelle

Bentley Flying Spur pushes luxury to extreme limit by making use of leather

Bentley Flying Spur is pushing luxury to extreme limit. Despite the fact that veg alternative options are supposedly increasing in the supercar segment, they make use of leather a great deal. The British car manufacturer is about to launch on the market a super luxury Gran Turismo (GT) car, on its third generation. Bentley Flying Spur […]

Leather UK sgrida Autocar perché sulla pelle dà retta solo a PETA

Leather UK scold Autocar: when it comes to leather, they just listen to PETA

They are not providing their readers with a good service indeed. That is why Leather UK have been telling off Autocar. The association of English tanners has reprimanded the magazine because, when it comes to leather, they give full credence to bias of radical animal-rights activists. More specifically, they backed up PETA while focusing on […]

Dal progetto agli alberi: Gruppo Peretti ne pianta 3.000

From project to trees: Gruppo Peretti plants 3,000

They have put words into action. In other words, from project to trees. During Lineapelle last edition, which dates back to October 2019, Gruppo Peretti announced they would develop, in 2020, a project aiming to offset their emissions of CO2. While celebrating the 50th anniversary of Conceria Cristina (which is part of the group, together […]

Gruppo Dani ottiene la certificazione ISO 27001: protegge i dati

Dani Group earn ISO 27001 certification for data protection

They are the very first tannery in the world to receive such certification: something to be proud and satisfied indeed. Dani Group have earned ISO 27001 certification, issued by DNV-GL: this certificate highlights and guarantees the company’s ability to protect information about their own stakeholders, such as clients, suppliers and employees. “That is quite an […]

Dopo la Cina, Bader Leather si fa una conceria in Sudafrica

Bader Leather to open tannery in South Africa, after China

Following the one they formerly opened in China, Bader Leather are about to build a tannery in South Africa. One and a half years after their leather tanning investment in Asia, German Bader Leather are gearing up to build a new manufacturing plant in Rosslyn, in the suburbs of the capital city of Pretoria. ILM […]

Un’acquisizione camouflage: Original Footwear va al fondo BVP

BVP fund buy out Original Footwear after camouflage acquisition

Mergers, acquisitions and further financial transactions, which aim at assembling brands, keep going on relentlessly. Focus on Original Footwear, which looks rather appealing. In fact, Brand Velocity Partners (BVP), a private equity fund, have recently bought out the company, which specializes in the manufacturing of footwear for the army and police. Still we do not […]

Il rimbalzo di Lineapelle London: visitatori +12%, buoni contatti

The rebound of Lineapelle London: visitors +12%, and good contacts

The first impressions were confirmed by the closure of the exhibition spaces. The rebound of Lineapelle London is far more than realistic. The event celebrated its 23rd edition yesterday at the Ham Yard Hotel in London. It has fully achieved its objectives. First of all, from a numerical point of view. Presences, in fact, have...


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