Luci e ombre sul trimestre di Burberry: dati ok, ma quanti stress

Lights and shadows on Burberry’s quarter: data are ok, but there is a lot of stress

Lights and shadows on Burberry’s quarter. The lights concern the fact that the British brand closes a positive third quarter. And above all, it improves the prospects for the entire fiscal year. Shadows, however, emerge from the judgments of financial analysts. According to them, the global market is currently under stress, which cannot avoid influencing […]

Éternel Parisien, Gilles Rosier torna con la pelle (pure) italiana

Éternel Parisien, Gilles Rosier returns with (nonetheless) Italian leather

Designer Gilles Rosier restarts from leather (nonetheless, Italian) with the brand Éternel Parisien. The brand is the result of two years of studies and research conducted by Gilles himself. The stylist is currently director of the clothing design department of the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris. Rosier, founder and artistic director of Éternel […]

La pelle sfreccia a bordo della serie speciale Maserati Royale

Leather flashes aboard of Maserati Royale special series

Leather flashes aboard Maserati. The Italian luxury car manufacturer has launched a special series of cars that pay homage to the elegant Royale version. A prestigious restyling for a timeless version, where the 1986 Quattroporte stands out, now in its third generation. Also revisited are the Ghibli and the Levante models. The three models are […]

Brasile, JBS 360° traccia la pelle dall’allevamento alla conceria

Brazil, JBS 360 ° traces leather from breeding to tannery

A platform that allows you to monitor the product along the entire supply chain, collecting information from breeding to delivery of the finished leather. JBS Couros, the tanning division of Brazilian meat giant, launches the JBS 360° program. The tool, as communicated from Sao Paulo, is available to all customers of the company. JBS Couros […]

Bangladesh, filiera della pelle al bivio: investire o morire

Bangladesh, leather supply chain at a crossroads: investing or dying

In Bangladesh, the leather supply chain is at a crossroads. Whether it grows, exploiting the potential that even the major international analysts see. Or it shuts down, stifled by negative data confirmed again for the first half of the new fiscal year. Slow start The Export Promotion Bureau has recently released data on the export […]

A Londra in cerca di risposte: tutto pronto per Lineapelle London

Seeking responses in London: gearing up for Lineapelle London

It is going to be edition number 23. It will take place, as usual, at the Ham Yard Hotel, enjoying its informal and design spaces. Lineapelle London is coming up, at this point, and is ready to accomplish its umpteenth exploring mission. The exhibition is due to kick off next week, on Tuesday 21st January. […]

Il no al canguro di Versace e Diadora non è vera sostenibilità

Versace and Diadora ban kangaroo leather. It is not real sustainability though

Diadora did it at the end of October 2019. Versace do it now likewise. Both brands, specialized in sportswear and luxury respectively, say together no to kangaroo, therefore banning its leather from their future collections. LAV (Lega Anti Vivisezione, anti-vivisection association) urged them to do it. For the records, the same association aims at something […]

A San Francisco la pelliccia si difende, in Svezia vince

Fur fends off attacks in San Francisco and wins in Sweden

We can talk about a counterattack, to some extent. In fact, fur fends for itself and, in some cases, achieves victory. At the beginning of 2020, the fur business stands up against its aggressive opponents and fends off attacks. In San Francisco, IFF and FICA have filed an appeal against fur ban. In Sweden, they […]

Richemont rallenta il ritmo, i brand moda zoppicano

Richemont slow down as fashion brands limp along

Hong Kong alongside fashion brands have caused Richemont business to slow down. In the last quarter of 2019 (the third quarter of the financial year), sales carried out by the Swiss giant reached 4.16 billion euros, therefore increasing by +4% at fixed currency rates. They actually slowed down compared to the first six months of […]

Parigi, nelle fiere del design la pelle è più stampata e più green

Printed and green leather prevail at Paris design exhibitions

Leather stands out at Paris design exhibitions. Two major fair events are underway in the French capital city: Paris Déco Off (on the agenda on January 16-20) and Maison & Objet (scheduled on January 17-21). Printed and green leather prevail in both exhibitions. We have selected the most interesting works, two of them actually, presented […]

La pelle oltre la pelle secondo l’incubatore Audeladucuir

Audeladucuir incubator presents leather beyond leather

ADC is its acronym. It stands for Audeladucuir. That is, leather beyond leather. We are talking about a French incubator for the leather industry companies. We speak it out, for the umpteenth time: it is absolutely worth investing in research for new solutions, while aiming, at the same time, at innovative accessories. History ADC foundation […]

Tecnologia italiana per il nuovo leather cluster in Tanzania

Italian technology to serve Tanzania’s new leather cluster

The government took initiative, a couple of years ago or so. The primary aim was to create an industrial park specialized in leather, based in Tanzania. More specifically, in Moshi, in the Kilimanjaro area. In the site, they are going to build up a tannery, a shoe factory and a leather goods plant. The distinguishing...


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Acquisizione neozelandese: Tasman Tanning compra Light Leathers

New Zealand, Tasman Tanning buy out Light Leathers

In New Zealand, which is poles apart, leather companies are up to reorganization. Allegedly, Tasman Tanning have recently bought out New Zealand Light Leathers (a division of Argent Group Europe, a meat giant). The portal reported the news. According to the same portal, the new owners are supposedly planning to carry out an expansion […]

Real Leather is Real Sustainability: ecco la campagna UNIC

Real Leather is Real Sustainability: here is UNIC ad campaign

The message, writes UNIC – Italian Tanneries, “is as simple as it is incisive”. This is what its “three-year campaign communicating and promoting at 360 degrees the excellence of Italian leather” is based on. A worldwide ad campaign that explains a truth to be shared in any way and at any level: Real Leather is […]

La rivincita della pelle a Expo Riva Schuh: il volume la (ri)vuole

The revenge of leather at Expo Riva Schuh: volume wants it (back)

Leather. Leather. More leather. In the stands at Expo Riva Schuh, synthetic materials give way to natural ones. The revenge of leather starts here. This is, in fact, one of the most important inputs provided by the 93rd edition of the show dedicated to volume footwear, which ended on January 14. The flow Yesterday, during […]

Gardabags, le proposte ne hanno di coraggio. Ma il mercato?

Gardabags, proposals are courageous. What about the market?

New products, recovery of scraps from other processes, and a little concern for the new year. These are the three key concepts that are characterising the fourth edition of Gardabags, Expo Riva Schuh area dedicated to bags and leather goods. The section of pavilion D houses 78 exhibiting companies (36 Italian and 42 foreign). In […]

La Martina si affida a Principe per una pelletteria made in Italy

La Martina relies on Principe for made in Italy leather goods

La Martina relies on Principe. The brand from Argentina, famous above all among polo enthusiasts, has signed a license agreement with the supplier in Varese. The agreement provides that the Lombard company will develop La Martina leather goods starting from autumn-winter 2020-2021 collections. Principe has 60 years of experience in the leather industry, and is […]

Attenti ai cinesi, perché potrebbero comprarsi anche Aston Martin

Watch out: the Chinese could end up buying Aston Martin as well

007’s supercars could soon be owned by a Chinese enterprise. Watch out, because according to the Financial Times, the Chinese are just steps away from acquiring Aston Martin. China-based Geely is allegedly managing negotiations to buy majority ownership of the British supercar manufacturer. Always according to the newspaper, Geely’s top management is undergoing the due […]

Brasile, quanti aiuti a Bataguassu per il distretto della pelle

Brazil, a lot of support for Bataguassu’s leather district

The stimulus package is substantial. Bataguassu’s Prefectory hasn’t saved any money when it came to incentivizing training programs in the local leather district, which is part of the area’s industrial cluster.  According to local news source Diario Digital, the administration has granted entrepreneurs interested in investing in the location the rental space, the ability of […]

Kenya, il protezionismo (finora) sostiene la pelle, ma costa

Protectionism, (up to now), is supporting the leather business, but it’s costing

The protectionist policies implemented by Kenya’s government is starting to yield results. As expected, it is supporting local manufacturers, but it also costly. The 80% duty on exported hides had already angered traders and tanners. The country is now facing the foreign revenue results for the first 9 months of 2019. Poor performance for raw […]