Dal web alle strade, la campagna UNIC per raccontare la pelle

From the web to the streets, the UNIC campaign to tell leather

Communicating the values of leather to an audience that knows the quality of the material, but not the tanning process. Increase the appeal of leather to that market share of consumers who, on the other hand, perceive it as a product that is now taken for granted, old. Communicate in a transparent way, because it […]

I 12 goal della pelle italiana nel Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2019

Italian Leather 12 goals in the 2019 Sustainability Report

The 2019 Sustainability Report tells the story of Italian leather’s 12 goals. Which has become even cleaner, safer and efficient. And no, we aren’t talking of goals the same way they are discussed in football. The document of yearly occurrence prepared by UNIC – Italian Tanners for the year 2019, decided to align itself with […]

UNIC premia 23 concerie: ecco i campioni della sostenibilità

23 tanneries awarded by UNIC

The 23 tanneries that received aknowledgement are (in strict alphabetical order): Anaconda, B.C.N. Tanneries and Bonaudo. Then Chiorino Technology, Conceria Antiba and Conceria Incas. Followed by Conceria Laba, Conceria Lloyd and Conceria M2. The list continues with Conceria Settebello, Conceria Sirte and Conceria Superior. Then goes on with Conceria Zabri, Dean Industria Conciaria Pelli and […]

Il 100% di Zuma e Casadacqua a Xenon: due concerie a un fondo

Xenon acquires 100% of Zuma and Casadacqua: two tanneries create a fund

Xenon acquires 100% of Zuma and Casadacqua. The transfer of ownership of the two tanneries, part of the A&A Pelli Pregiate group, to the investment fund was done via the Xenon Private Equity VII fund, managed by Xenon AIFM. The alligator farm owned by A&A in New Orleans (USA) is also part of the agreement. […]

Cotance corregge Vogue: “Non c’è nesso tra pelle e deforestazione”

Cotance corrects Vogue: “There is no connection between leather and deforestation”

“Leather is the most profitable product of farms”. This consideration is enough, when used to validate the thesis that leather is jointly responsible for deforestation in South America and elsewhere, to understand how certain Vogue offices do not have clear ideas about the tanning industry. Cotance, representing the industry at European level, batten down the […]

Scoop sulla poltrona di Greta: i debunker non capiscono la pelle

E-debate over Greta’s armchair: debunkers don’t understand leather

A debate broke over one of Greta Thunberg’s armchairs… The Swedish activist appears in a picture while held by her mother. But he political adversaries, calling her a hypocrite, do so due to an armchair in the background. The more attentive ones recognized it: it’s the Eames Lounge Chair more, design piece from 1956 which […]

Trade War, Trump avverte la Francia e spaventa il lusso italiano

Trade War, Trump warns France and causes concerns for Italian luxury items

The US president once again attacks on the commercial front. First of all, against France, and thus against Italy as well. The threat comes from London, where the NATO summit is currently taking place, and to which the US president should be participating. The statement made by Robert Ligthizer, Secretary of commerce, are what concerns […]


Bain – Altagamma: uncertainty is normal, and the luxury industry knows how to grow in it

The performance of global luxury grew by about +4% in 2019 (about 1.3 trillion euro). Operators expect 2020 to have about the same performance. The evaluation co-made by Bain-Altagamma titled Market Monitor 2019 and Altagamma Consensus 2020, respectively, say trends are just slightly inferior to the prior year’s ones. Yet, we know how the scene...


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Lineapelle a Guangzhou per la nuova sostenibilità della pelle

Lineapelle in Guangzhou for leather’s sustainability

Lineapelle is in Guangzhou to showcase leather’s sustainability to over 170 buyers from China’s fashion system. The workshop (November 28th) titled “New Sustainability Models in Leather Fashion”, involves UNIC – Italian Tanners and was organized with the help of ITA – Italian Trade Agency. The event in Guangzhou, which is on its 4th edition – […]

Missione giapponese per la Vera Pelle Conciata al Vegetale

Japanese mission for Vera Pelle Conciata al Vegetale

On one side is a mountain of clothes and accessories made with low-quality materials, piled up as if they had no value. On the other side are shoes and handbags made with vegetable-tanned leather. This is the image that attracted people to the Consume Less, Consume Better event. It took place yesterday, in Tokyo, and […]

Gruppo CMC e Lamonti Cuoio cercano partner per consolidarsi

Gruppo CMC and Lamonti Cuoio are looking for partners to consolidate

A partner from an industrial or financial background. Somebody that will help consolidating. Gruppo Conciario CMC and Lamonti Cuoio are looking for somebody that “can add value to the business”. According to the IlSole24Ore, they are entrusting Mediobanca with the task. The start of the operation will be in December, while in January the first […]

50 anni di Conceria Italia, investendo su innovazioni e giovani

50 years of Conceria Italia, thanks to investments in innovation and young people

One phase after the other. From raw hides to finished leather. All done inside the same production site. That’s how Conceria Italia’s leather is created: by a company that celebrated its 50 years’ anniversary on November 29th inside Villa Mattarana in Verona. The beginning Everything started in 1969. Antonio Negro decided to abandon the marble […]

Le Sale Monumentali della Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia

Orthopascha’s restoration, possible thanks to UNIC – Italian Tanners

The Sale Monumentali (Monumental Rooms) of the Marciana Library in Venice hosted, on November 28th, the presentation of the restoration plans for Orthopascha. The manuscript was written in the 1500s on parchment and is bound in leather. The same Marciana Library has been conserving it, as it contains the 1508 dissertation, in Latin, by Pellegrino […]

LVMH spiega Tiffany e perché crede in pellicce e made in Italy

LVMH explains Tiffany and why they believe in furs and made in Italy

Antonio Belloni, LVMH general manager, explains the Tiffany operation: a jewel (it is appropriate to call it so) of the high-end that suits the French conglomerate. But not only. In an interview with La Repubblica, Belloni explains why LVMH believes in furs and made in Italy. Why Tiffany “It is part of those few luxury...


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Non solo Tiffany, il lusso acquisisce a suon di miliardi

Not only Tiffany: the luxury sector and its billion dollars acquisitions

The time horizon is not decisive. What matters is that, in the last few seasons, luxury has thrown itself into a billion-dollar challenge. We are talking a lot of billions. The challenge is (apparently) to those who acquire more. The last LVMH operation, in this sense, is an explosive icing on the cake. Not only […]

Sportiva a tutta pelle: le capsule Prada/Adidas e Supreme/Nike

A leather takeover of the sneaker: Prada/Adidas and Supreme/Nike capsules

A leather takeover of the sneaker. In the spotlight, we find its famous, and, for the first one, inedited, collaborations. The former, between Prada and Adidas, while the latter between Supreme and Nike. Both cases see leather as the protagonist.  Prada and Adidas The collaboration debut is represented by the Prada Superstar model. It is […]

Cortocircuiti no fur: House of Fraser s’era dimenticata di esserlo

No-fur short circuits: House of Fraser forgot about it

Triumphantly entering the no fur world is easy. It just needs a press release. However, they must be careful. Because short circuits are just around the corner, as are debacles and controversies. For example, House of Fraser had forgotten to be fur free. Meaning? The chain of British department stores has adopted the policy of […]

Boxmark chiude una fabbrica slovena: ora produce solo a Kidricevo

Boxmark shuts down a plant in Slovenia: its only production site is in Kidricevo

Boxmark decided to close down its Slovenian plant. Boxmark Leather manufactures leather seats for the automotive, aviation and boating industries, as well as being a third-party manufacturer for others. The company has allegedly announced that, within the first few months of 2020, it will interrupt its production operation in the Murska Sobota site. Shut Down […]

Real Leather Stay Different

Real Leather Stay Different: USHSLA challenges Chinese designers

USHSLA launches a creative challenge in Beijing. “Young designers, promote true American leather” could, in fact, be the synthesis of the US Hide project, Skin and Leather Association that involves students from 7 Chinese fashion schools. The Real Leather Stay Different contest calls on them. What is it? Real Leather Stay Different is a design […]