Marfrig avanza in National Beef: brasiliani dal 51 all’82%

Marfrig moves on National Beef: the Brazilian org. goes from 51% ownership to 82%

Marfrig moves on National Beef. After the BRF acquisition was unsuccessful, Brazil-based giant Marfrig, leader in the meat industry, decided to focus elsewhere. For example, on National Beef Meatpacking Company, through one of its subsidiary NBM US Holdings. According to international media, Marfrig has allegedly found an agreement with Jefferies Financial Group for the purchase […]

Qualcuno salvi Tila March: il brand francese cerca compratori

Someone save Tila March: the French brand is looking for buyers

Someone save Tila March. The French brand of shoes, leather goods and accessories for women is in controlled administration, and is looking for an investor. Or, in the most drastic case, a buyer. Delay and strategic error? Tila March was founded in 2006 by Tamara Taichman and Nicolas Berdugo. The business starts off big, thanks […]

Lineapelle in cattedra al Polimoda: un semestre a tutta concia

Lineapelle in the chair at Polimoda: a semester at full tanning

And here is Lineapelle in the chair at Polimoda. The series of seminars will begin on November 22nd, bringing the students of the Florentine academy to know the tanning process, the characteristics of the materials and the legal, chemical and stylistic issues that concern their production. A full tanning semester, together with the progress of […]

Talking About Leather #1, leather and design at SpazioLineapelle

“It is a luxury material, which is part of our nature, for which great respect is nourished. Artists, I think of Damian Ortega, Gualtiero Redivo, Jannis Kounellis, have always made great use of it”. According to Vincenzo De Cotiis, leather for design is a noble material. For its story, cycle and finishes (as he explained...


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Comunicare e promuovere la pelle, Leather Naturally +35% sui social

Communication and promoting leather, Leather Naturally does +35% on social media

The challenge is on. And it moves on more fronts, all of which have a shared objective. To communicate and promote leather at 360-degrees everywhere in the world. It’s needed, and it’s urgent. The need is clearly visible in the current and in-progress campaigns, such as the one launched by Leather Naturally. Metcha Letaher Naturally […]

Un Consorzio che parla da 25 anni: il Vegetale è in festa

A Consortium that has been speaking up for 25 years: Vegetale is celebrating

“We are a Consortium that speaks”. Communication is the heart of  Consorzio Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al Vegetale (Vegetable Tanned Leather, ndr). President Simone Remi recalled this during the evening celebrating the first 25 years of activity. The event took place last Thursday (21 November) at CasaConcia, in Ponte a Egola. Attendance Summing up this […]

Accordi commerciali sì, fake no: amici e nemici del made in Italy

Yes to commercial agreements, no to fakes: friends and enemies of the made in Italy

Confindustria indicates the friends and enemies of Made in Italy. Free trade agreements are among the resources that enhance the export potential of “Bello e Ben Fatto” (BFF – ed. “Beautiful and Well Done”). Counterfeiting and Italian sounding, on the other hand, among the phenomena that are limiting its potential. The picture emerges from the […]

Fake a peso d’oro: sgominata a Dubai filiera da 254 milioni

Valuable Fakes: fraudulent chain worth 254 million USD taken down in Dubai

Chinese media are calling the one taken down between Shanghai and Dubai, the largest criminal counterfeiting organization in the world. 57 people arrested. 18 plants closed down. Over 21,000 counterfeited “luxury” products confiscated in Dubai and 7,000 in Shanghai. The USD value of the seized goods is exorbitant: 254 million. The fake products, for the […]

Nuti Ivo e pelle d’impresa tra 30 Champions della Moda Italiana

Nuti Ivo and business leather among the top 30 Italian Fashion Champions

Business leather, Italian and excellent. Nuti Ivo is among the 30 Italian Fashion Champions. In general, there are 18 SMEs producing and reselling leather products that stand out in the report made by L’Economia, the insert of Corriere della Sera, and Italy Post, result of the analysis of the 2012-2018 financial statements of small and […]

Da Iran e Uzbekistan alla scoperta di ASSOMAC e della pelle

From Iran and Uzbekistan discovering ASSOMAC and leather

The initiative is called Italian Technology Award. Born thanks to Federmacchine and ITA-ICE Agency. For three years, it has involved ASSOMAC (National Association of Footwear Technology, Leather Goods and Tannery Manufacturers) too. Objective: spread the excellence of Italian technology. How? By involving and rewarding foreign university students. Those selected by ASSOMAC came from Iran and […]

La nuova cessione di Lanxess: venduta la miniera di cromo

Lanxess’ new divestiture: chromium mine sold off

“Strategically logic”. The words chosen by manager Rainier van Roessel to describe Lanxess’ new divestiture. The German giant, active in the chemicals’ segment, announced it sold 74% of ownership of its South African chromium mine to Clover Alloys Proprietary Limited, a local supplier of chromium-based minerals. In other words, Lanxess is continuing on its announced […]

Dal macello alla pelle: la Namibia investe nella filiera

From slaughterhouse to tanneries: Namibia invests in the leather chain

Namibia chose to invest in the chain: from slaughterhouse to tanneries, starting with the livestock. Deadline: 2021. Before this date, the African country will create a livestock system that will make it one of the major meat suppliers in Southern Africa. Michael Humavindu, vice-secretary to the Industry, Commerce and Development Ministry is sure of it. 200,000 […]

Colombia contro le concerie illegali: a Cundinamarca sono il 73%

Colombia fights back against illegal tanneries: 73% of Cundinamarca’s are not abiding the law

Colombia is fighting illegal tanneries. The government of the Cundinamarca Department has censed leather companies present on its territory. The goal: to understand which ones are respecting the law and thus not polluting the Bogotà river. The findings are concerning. Only 27% of the tanneries are respecting all regulations. The proceedings Cundinamarca’s Regional Autonomous Corporation […]

Longchamp contro il greenwashing: “Il cuoio vegano è una bugia!”

Longchamp stand up against greenwashing: “Vegan leather is false!”

Longchamp stand up against greenwashing: they highly regard sustainability, which is a distinctive practice of luxury manufacturing, yet they are unwilling to accept slogans. By the way, Longchamp made things clear: “Vegan leather is false”. The French fashion brand makes use of synthetic materials: for the records, they have recently presented a collection of leather […]

Queen Elizabeth userà pellicce, la sua guardia cappelli in orso

Queen Elizabeth will wear furs, while royal guards bearskin hats

Angela Kelly, the Queen’s right-hand woman, announced in her book, “The Other Side of the Coin. The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe”, that Her Majesty would not buy any new furs. Yet, as reported by The Telegraph, Buckingham Palace spokesperson made clear that Queen Elizabeth might keep wearing the furs she currently has; on […]

Elisabetta I accettava guanti in dono solo se certa della pelle

Elizabeth I took gloves as a gift as long as she was certain about leather

Elizabeth I used to take gloves as a gift as long as she was certain about leather. The Queen of England (1533-1603) was painstakingly following instructions given by her Secretary of State. In fact, during the tanning process someone might add some poison into the material, warned William Cecil. It is no coincidence that in […]

In Aston Martin la pelle non si tocca: SUV e AMB 001 confermano

Aston Martin’s untouchable leather, as evidence SUV and AMB 001

At Aston Martin, leather is untouchable. The British car manufacturer regains its popularity while gearing up for the launch of two “highly exclusive” models. Both vehicles, a 4-wheel SUV, the first one made by the brand, and a 2-wheel motorbike, one more debut, will have a common denominator. Yes, leather. The motorbike Aston Martin are […]

Né mattone, né oro: su Collector Square la borsa è un bene rifugio

Neither real estate nor gold: at Collector Square, bag is a safe-haven asset

Neither real estate, nor gold: at Collector Square, bag is a safe-haven asset. It works even better than Government bonds. Nicolas Orlowski, founder of the luxury second-hand sales platform, is sure about that. “Several research projects tell us that such investment is more profitable than a real estate – he points out –. Many bags […]