La pelle bielorussa punta su Cina e India: i progetti di MLPA

Belarusian leather heads towards China and India: focus on MLPA’s plans   

Belarusian leather heads towards China and India. Tatyana Lugina, president of Bellegprom state consortium, announced the plans set by MLPA (Minsk Leather Production Association), which is about to sell its hides in the East area. The scenario The scenario of the decision they made public is a network of relations between institutions and manufacturing companies. […]

Il caso Archipel Paris: startup che non cuce la pelle delle borse

The case of Archipel Paris, a start-up that uses seamless leather for bag

To create a leather goods brand and use exclusively seamless pieces of leather: is that doable? Yes, apparently: that is the story of Sébastien Cordoleani and the case of Archipel Paris, which evidence such feasibility. In 2016, Cordoleani, a young French architect, decided to combine his passion for “beauty and well-done objects” with the one […]

Via i tessuti, dentro la pelle: salvataggio pellettiero in Francia

Leather in, fabrics out: French leather goods manufacturer comes to the rescue

Leather in, fabrics out. The story takes place in Saint-Just-Malmont, a small municipality situated in the High Loire region, in France. Here Les Ateliers du Meygal, leather goods manufacturer, are supposedly about to take over the Cheynet et Fils industrial area (15,200 square metres), which used to produce spun yarns. Allegedly, the deal value amounts […]

Trimestre in salita per Tapestry, l’utile crolla (-68%)

An uphill quarter for Tapestry, profits drop (-68%)

An uphill quarter for Tapestry. Coach remains stable. Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman go low. During the first quarter of the 2019/2020 fiscal year, the US-based group registered a drop in sales and operating profits: -68%. Jide Zeitlin, president and CFO of Tapestry announces a “deep, complete and efficient revision of the whole business”. The […]

Lo tsunami del retail: Singles Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday

The retail tsunami: Singles Day, Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday

Many would not want them. Above all, they are mostly small online retailers, “physical” retailers and environmentalists. Consumers, on the other hand, seem to be waiting anxiously for them. These are the three gold appointments for mass annual shopping. The retail tsunami is the sum of three events: Singles’ Day (11 November), Black Friday (29 […]


The Crafted Society case: Dutch with 100% Italian traction

“We are a socially responsible brand that offers artisan luxury products. We believe that a modern luxury brand should be transparent. Inclusive and accessible, not only to the society’s elite”. This is what can be read on Crafted Society website, a Dutch project with Italian traction (from leather to manufacturing). It was launched in 2015 […]

Road to CSCB Sustainabililty Forum: i 4 pilastri del convegno

Road to CSCB Sustainabililty Forum: the 4 pillars of the conference

Sustainability is in the name of the event itself. Diego Moreira Ützig (Lanxess RTM for the Americas) and Celso Schwingel (Stahl Technical Manager for South America) will be talking about the technologies that can respond to new market demands and market trends. But the agenda of the CSCB Sustainabililty Forum – Leather in a hyperconnected […]

La fusione di Klein Karoo e Mosstrich

The ostrich merges: the agreement with Klein Karoo and Mosstrich is given a green light

The ostrich merges. Klein Karoo International and Mosstrich can, finally, merge. The South African Competition Commission (judiciary branch responsible for fair market competition), has granted the right to merge after the two South African players had appealed. The entities were trying to unify the respective divisions specialized in treating material of ostrich origin. The past […]

Due non bastano: in Bangladesh prevedono nuovi Leather District

Two aren’t enough: Bangladesh prepares for new Leather Districts

Not just Savar. Nor Mirsarai. Two districts aren’t enough for Bangladesh, which prepares for additional Leather Districts. Dhaka’s government is, in fact, already thinking of developing a third tanning district. The most well-known of the three, which is in part already active, is that of Savar. It was created as a (not particularly functional) alternative […]

Lineapelle lancia l’estivo 2020, parola d'ordine: semplificazione

Lineapelle launches 2021 summer trends. Keyword is simplifying

The Era of Simplifying. Actually, simplifying is the concept on which the Lineapelle Fashion Committee has been focusing 2021 summer trends. Yesterday, at the Enterprise Hotel, in Milan, there was the style roadshow kick-off to open the work-in-progress towards Lineapelle 98, scheduled at Fieramilano Rho, on 19-20 February 2020.  Saying stop to excess While addressing […]

Ricavi e perdite crescono: il semestre ambivalente di Le Tanneur

Le Tanneur’s discrepant trend in the term, as both revenues and losses go up

Le Tanneur, a French brand specialized in the manufacturing of high-end leather goods accessories, has been boosting sales. Nevertheless, losses have been going up as well. The first six months of 2019 turned out to be discrepant for the brand, whose overall turnover reached 30.94 million euros, therefore increasing by +14.3% on annual basis. Yet, […]

SMCP fly high in a good quarter, thanks to bags and shoes, despite Hong Kong

SMCP have been growing in double figures, despite Hong Kong, thanks to bags and shoes. In fact, in the third quarter, the revenues of the holding company, which is in control over Sandro, Maje and Claudie Pierlot brands, reached 274.5 million euros (that is, +9% at fixed rates of currency exchange). “Our company achieved a […]

LVMH, 14.5 billion USD for Tiffany: “Too low, you undervalue us”

LVMH offers 14.5 billion USD to buy Tiffany. If the sale was to be approved, it would be the largest acquisition in the history of the French conglomerate. On the other hand, as for now, rumors say that an American dismissal of the proposal is “very likely”. The reason? The offer is too low: “Arnault […]

The must is the mini (and modular) bag, say LV, Gucci and Fendi

Small leather goods are beautiful, especially because they are modular. The latest trends in bags see the recovery of small, sometimes very small, bags’ dimensions by luxury brands’ designers. And the month of October, between capsule collections, pre-sales online or in selected boutiques, is an example of how we are already beyond the re-launch of […]

Bandit Manchot accessories with other people’s processing waste

All in leather, all of very high quality, all otherwise destined to the landfill. These are the three characteristics of Bandit Manchot products, the small leather goods brand founded in 2010 by French entrepreneurs Marie-Laure Biscond, Marie-Christine Frison and Anne Duquesnoy. “I joined the family leather-goods business, for which my two future partners worked as […]

Pingree Detroit recuperates leather and gives veterans a future

Recuperating small leather pieces from other tanning process and guaranteeing a salary to those that would otherwise being at risk of not having one. This is that the win-win model of Jarret Schalff, young entrepreneur out of Detroit, created when he opened his business names Pingree Detroit. Schalff saw a side of its neighborhood that […]


Connolly’s history: royal leather for vintage cars (and not only)

Connolly Leather Tanners & Curriers is (definitively) back on the market. The British tannery, founded in 1878 by brothers John Joseph and Samuel Frederick Connolly, participated in the 36th edition of Vintage Cars and Motorcycles, held in Padua from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th October. Connolly was an exhibitor at the fair, welcoming the invitation...


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Japan, Jefta isn’t enough to revitalise the tanning segment

The import of raw hides, semi-finished and finished leather in Japan during the first 7 months of 2019 has lost about 18.6% of its value. The result was reported even after JEFTA came into play, which is the trade agreement between Japan and the European Union that will bring, in 10 years, to the full elimination of any barrier between the two area. During […]

Un premio per la conceria francese Rèmy Carriat

France and leather: Rémy Carriat is Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant

French tannery Rémy Carriat, founded in Espelette in 1927, received an important acknowledgement from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Paris. It is a sort of a “brand”. It’s called “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (EPV). The acknowledgement, established in 2005, identifies French companies “that stand out for the excellence of their productions and work […]

Il trimestre di Kering

Focus on Kering quarterly performance: Bottega Veneta fly high, Gucci slow down

Kering may well rejoice in the accomplishments achieved by Saint Laurent and, most of all, by Bottega Veneta. Likewise, the group praises Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen rewarding performance. They can therefore offset Gucci “slowdown”, that is, not such an outstanding boost. In addition, they could cope with Hong Kong problems. This is briefly the last […]