OLD TIME GALLERY – Leather recounts

Are you looking for a transversal constant to the history of humanity and its evolution? Nothing could be simpler. It's leather. Here is a brief, exciting gallery of extraordinary archaeological finds that best demonstrate this dimension and confirm its intrinsic durability


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The 4th edition of the world leather congress took place in the big apple this past july 16th. A concept that summarizes the shared opinion of all those that made statements there: the identity and value of leather need a more actual form of narration, one that is lateral and disruptive


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SUB-CONTRACTING, COULD IT BE TOO MUCH? – Another Scandicci is impossible

There are two opposing and converging thrusts in the luxury leather goods sector. On the one hand, for Italian entrepreneurs third-party work has been increasingly important for years. On the other hand, designer labels and large groups, especially French, invest in vertical integration and internationalisation


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End of August, 2019: in Biarritz, luxury sits at G7 table. François-Henri Pinault (patron of Kering), presents the fashion pact, the coalition of sustainable luxury, as per invitation by Macron. But “someone” is missing


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Amazonia, PETA slander Horween: “The controversy is instrumental”

PETA accuses Horween Leather, an historical American tannery, of being co-responsible, or moral instigator (if you prefer), of the fires that have hit the Amazon rainforest. The animal rights association, which attended (and is attending) fashion weeks in London, Milan and Paris with hostile mobilisations against leather, bought a vertical posting on a billboard in […]

Ikea’s veg fanatism, Coimbra goes meat-free: What kind of ethics is this?

Ikea, the Swedish furniture giant announced it plans on pushing the vegan options at its restaurants. Moreover: it wants to bring its clients to like plant-based products more than others. On the same line is Coimbra University, which will eliminate bovine meat options from its cafeterias starting from January 2020. Similar news, braking days from […]

California, the crocodile ban to come into force in 2020

“Beginning on January 1st, 2020, it will be illegal to import for commercial purposes or sell the carcass and any other parts of crocodile and alligator within the state of California”. Thus states the norm of the Californian penal code which, from next year, prohibits the trade in crocodile and alligator raw materials. The law […]

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USHSLA and LIA merge into LHCA, the unified symbol of US leather

US tanning association (LIA) and that of tanning raw material traders (USHSLA) formalised the merger into a new unitary subject. From January 1st, 2020, LHCA (Leather and Hide Council of America) will become operational, while Stephen Sothmann, current president of USHSLA, will be in charge of guiding operations. John Wittenborn, after 15 as LIA chairman, […]

Scottish Leather Group: 100 new employees for. Anew production site

The growth of Scottish Leather Group isn’t slowing down. The Scottish leather group’s management has announced the opening of a new production site in the city of Paisley, where the company already operates a tannery. Operational within 1 year According to what reported by online portal leatherbiz.com, Scottish Leather Group’s goal is to make the new […]

An opaque 2019 for Pittards, but Brexit doesn’t scare it: Ethiopia is ready

Sales decreased over the last 6 months of the year, but profits go up. Stephen Yapp said himself satisfied by Pittards’ results, the tanning and leather group in the United Kingdom of which he is president. Even after the group’s revenue decreased sensibly. Down by 16% The group’s sales between January and June 2019 decreased […]

La locandina del CSCB Sustainability Forum 2019

Brazil, CSCB Sustainability Forum to discuss leather

A historical material challenged by modern times, an industrial process in search of the best solution to create a connection with new consumption and new consumer ideas. The title of the next edition of CSCB Sustainability Forum is “Leather in a hyperconnected world”: “Leather is tradition, past techniques remain functional – we read in the […]

I risultati di Life Biopol

Green biopolymers inside tanneries: here are Life Biopol’s results

Biopolymers manufactured from biomass and other industrial waste. With the capacity to tan, re-tan and fatten. They are an alternative to chemicals of petrol origins that are at times used today. This is the goal reached by the Life Biopol project, co-financed by the European Union as a part of the LIFE program. Participating in...


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