Franco Gabbrielli nuovo presidente MIpel e Assopellettieri

Italian leather goods at Mipel’s doors: good, not great

An event that will host over 350 brands and welcome around 12,000 visitors from 96 different countries. The 116th edition of Mipel, “the most important tradeshow for B2B handbags and fashion accessories at an international level, was presented yesterday in Milan. It will open its doors on Sunday, September 15th, and close on Wednesday, September […]

Seconda edzione per Lineapelle Innovation Square

Lineapelle 97 looking to the future: Innovation Square is back in Milan

Looking beyond. Aiming the sight towards new horizons. The future is a norm at Lineapelle. The 97th edition that will take place at Fieramilano Rho from October 2nd to the 4th will prove this more than ever before. The future is called “circularity”, as shown by the launch at the fair of the The Leather […]

ICT on Brazil: “Saying no to leather is a simplistic choice”

Fires in the Amazonia forest have been topic of great concern around the globe, because the South American tropical forest is an environmental matter that concerns the entire planet. But thinking of stopping the purchases of leather from Brazil is the wrong manner with which to resolve the issue: moreover, it’s “simplistic”. Maybe, so much […]

In Franciai piccoli macelli chiudono

France, Groupe Bigard acquires the majority of Nick Winters

Groupe Bigard bought the majority shares of Nick Winters Group, company that has, within its divisions, a section that is specialized in the international commerce of tanning raw material, finished leather and animal protein. As reported by International Leather Makers, Nick Winters, founder of the company by the same name, enters the French company’s management […]

France, Louis Vuitton inaugurate and hire, Hermès build a new plant

Louis Vuitton roll out their new laboratory. In fact, yesterday the French luxury brand inaugurated their new plant, located in Beaulieu-sur-Layon, a few kilometres far from Angers. The facility, which is going to provide highly rewarding energy performances, will extend across a 6,000-square-metre area. Together with Michael Burke, chief executive officer of the fashion brand,...


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H&M, after VF Corp, stop Brazilian leather import

H&M announced their decision to suspend Brazilian leather purchase. As reported by Reuters press agency, Sweden’s fast fashion group made this choice because of “serious blazes, strictly linked to the livestock and farming industry, which are hitting part of the Amazon rainforest”. In the same way as American VF Corp holding, H&M set a “provisional […]

il nuovo management di GER Elettronica

GER Elettronica set management revolution

GER Elettronica have completed their own major transformation. In fact, Bruno Burato and Renato Visonà, historic business partners, decided to set a new management layout in their company. After appointing (nearly one year ago) Cesare Dal Monte as new general manager, they delegated the company’s operational and strategic control. In the meantime, they have become […]

Brexit No Deal e le aziende inglesi

Brexit, the No-Deal is coming: London’s companies try to protect themselves

How are British companies preparing for the possible no-deal Brexit? Many prepared for the hit by taking a stand to defend their revenue. The biggest (and very concrete) concern has to do with protecting one’s business from the devaluation of the UK pound. Three cases, narrated by Footwear News, demonstrate how the problem is particularly […]

La circolarità a Lineapelle 97

Lineapelle 97: Leather’s circularity under the spotlight

Location: Fiermailano Rho. Date: October 2nd to the 4th. Objective: to tell the identity of “the leather material”. Its circularity. The event during which all of this will be possible will be the 97th edition of Lineapelle, during which, for the first time, there will be a space entirely dedicated to this goal (Pavillion 14). […]

Fashion Pact al G7 di Biarritz

Fashion Pact, Cotance: “European tanning is green avant-garde”

Cotance will offer its support so that the 32 fashion leaders who have signed the Fashion Pact can achieve the established sustainability goals. Cotance, who’s aim is to keep European tanning associations together, announces it with a press release: “European leather shares these priorities and is committed to making its own contribution to achieving the […]

Leather UK against the Guardian: “Amazonia, it’s not leather’s fault”

The leather industry cannot be held in any way responsible for fires in the Amazon rainforest, and for two reasons. First of all, because leather is only a by-product of zootechny. And second, because – at this very moment of the market – nobody in Brazil would benefit economically by setting fire to a rainforest […]

Ultimo giorno di Gallery Shoes

German footwear: the semester brings satisfaction, but Gallery Shoes is uncertain

A slight growth for made-in-Germany footwear in the first semester. But, meanwhile, operators showed concern for their future while at their Gallery Shoes’ stands in Düsseldorf (September 1-3). During the usual closing press conference, BDSE (Federal Association of the German Footwear Retail Trade) and HDS/L (Federal Association of German Footwear and Leather Goods Industry), spoke of Germany’s...


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A bag making history: Delvaux presents its museum

Luxury leather goods brand Delvaux inaugurated its museum in Brussels on September 2nd, inside former military barracks occupied by the brand since 1994. Today, in the same building that houses the museum, at number 7 of Boulevard Louis Schmidt, are the study of design and the atelier of the brand. The exhibition, designed by Bob […]

Bloomberg, Fortune, The Independent: the future (and opponents) of leather

English-speaking media have been realizing that something weird is going on in the fashion materials market: on the one hand leather, on the other hand its synthetic alternatives. It is no coincidence, perhaps, that Bloomberg, Fortune and The Independent all focused on the topic during August 2019. The analysis carried out by all of them […]

German court permits apple leather name for vegan bags

Nuuwai, a leather goods German brand, will be allowed to keep talking about its own accessories in terms of “apple leather” products: in other words, they are still entitled to use such term, “leather”, despite the fact that their materials have nothing to do with animal skin. Such was the ruling delivered, on August 20, […]

Shedding some light on leather for car interiors: One 4 Leather is online

One 4 Leather, promoted by a group of 13 players in the leather industry, is a web portal that provides proper and correct information about leather for automotive. It is now online. “While the world is changing, everyone is more aware of the effects brought by consumptions and product choices – announced the promoters of...


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Dr. Woo tatua una Lamborghini

Complimentary tattoos for Lamborghini Huracán EVO Spyder

Moving from Hollywood stars’ skin to Lamborghini seat leather. Dr. Woo, a cult tattoo artist based in Los Angeles, is renowned for his peculiar ability to pattern his own art after the personality of people who will wear his tattoos forever on their skin. That is why Lamborghini appointed him to make their Huracán EVO […]

Hyundai vara un progetto circolare con Zero+Maria Cornejo

Hyundai, seat leather turns to a circular project

When it comes to Hyundai cars, you take everything of them. The Korean car manufacturing company started a partnership with Zero+Maria Cornejo brand. The aim of such cooperation is to develop articles of clothing based on the concept of creative recycling. Whilst achieving the project, they have already carried out a collection made of 15 […]