Passi avanti per il progetto Biopol

Life Biopol project marches on while focusing on tannery and new green biopolymers   

They are working on new biopolymers to soften environmental effects. Which way will they carry out the project? Starting from the reuse of scraps coming from the food farming industry. The Life Biopol project is running at full speed. From 2016 to present: 50 prototypes Spanish Dercosa and Inpelsa, together with Italian Codyeco and ILSA,...


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La campagna di scavi che ad Aquileia ha riportato alla luce un deposito di allume d'epoca romana

Archaeologists discover in Aquileia a Roman age warehouse of tanning chemicals

They have recently discovered, in Aquileia’s archaeological site, 100 urns for alum transportation. In the ancient Roman colony, situated in Friuli, archaeologists have been carrying out excavations in the subsoil for nine years. In the last days, while celebrating the anniversary of the city foundation, which dates back to 2,200 years ago, they detected some […]

I dati e la nuova presidenza della pelletteria francese

France: leather goods collects 6.5 billion and renews the presidency

Jean-Pierre Tolo, founder of Supercuir, which later became SIS group, is the new president of the Fédération Française de Maroquinerie (FFM). He will remain in office for 3 years. French leather goods Based on the data presented by FFM, the French sector is composed of 411 companies (of which 90% are SMEs), which employ 21,000 […]

EU – Mercosur, there is an agreement: raw hides from South America (finally) opens its doors

European Union and Mercosur (the market comprised of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay) signed at the end of June, after a long negotiation period, the agreement to liberalize commercial relations. The agreement between the two macro-areas, that already exchange goods worth 88 billion euro (plus 34 billion in services) is finally concluded. Moreover, this deal...


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La carne brasiliana vola: a ottobre l’export è da record

Brazil, May’s peak doesn’t cancel tanning’s dark 2019 (-18.4%)

The month of May made a bounce back in performance, moving back on the green end of the scale for export volumes (+31.4%) as well as for the variation of foreign revenue, even if on a smaller scale (+5.6%). Brazil’s tanning segment can finally breathe a sigh of relief. But the situation, as denounced by […]

G. Defeo (Ars Tinctoria) durante il suo intervento in IULCTS

IULCTS in Dresden, the chemical segment selling to tanneries is pushing for a green revolution

Innovation, research, chemicals for tanneries. An ear that pays attention to the market, its needsand concerns. The 35thcongress by IULTCS(The International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies)took place in Dresden from June 25thto June 28th, and had as the main theme the advancing of alternative materials with the fashion and automotive industries. The topic kept the 440 […]

Wolverine sostiene i veterani di guerra

USA 4 USA: Wolverine supports war veterans

 US-based production for US consumers. It’s harder to think of anything more ‘America First’ than this. But the goal here isn’t as much political as it is social. The collection is called Ramparts, and was launched by Wolverine, Michigan-based footwear brand famous for producing work boots (part of Wolverine World Wide). An assist to war […]

Focus on footwear in the USA: “Duties will not be enough to revamp the industry”

Duties imposed on goods manufactured in China will not be sufficient to revive US footwear industry. Far too high costs, scattered know how and very limited occupational staff are affecting US footwear industry. That is why, despite their intentions, a business back shoring in the States would not be feasible. NPR (National Public Radio), a...


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Il primo MIpel di Franco Gabbrielli

Exports of Italian bags reach nearly 8.2 billion euros in 2018

Exports are booming. Revenues have been going up. Trade balance assets got firmer. Italian leather goods industry enjoyed a positive trend throughout 2018. Assopellettieri, which held their annual assembly in Milan, on June 26, provided such figures. Seven billion and six hundred million euros The industry turnover reached 7.6 billion euros in 2018, therefore increasing […]

Russian Atlantis and the tomb of an ancient leather goods designer

The “Sleeping Beauty”, symbol of the necropolis in the ancient republic of Tyva, the so-called Russian Atlantis, was not a priestess, as they first believed. In fact, looking at treasures in her tomb, researchers believe that she was a sort of leather goods designer, buried with her work tools: several leather shreds and filaments inside […]

In australia i prezzi della pelle grezza sono crollati

Aussie traders sound the alarm: leather costs less and less (“no worries though, it is just a cyclical trend”)

“I have never seen something like that in all my life”. Downturn in the selling price of leather astounded Australia’s leather industry professionals: despite their being ready to deal with market cyclical trends, they look flabbergasted about such long-lasting and tough situation. A long-lasting downturn “The current downward trend has been going on for such […]

JBS sfiora i 12,5 miliardi nel trimestre e cresce del 5,6%

JBS Couros to expand in Vietnam: outstanding growth drives new showroom

JBS Couros are about to open their new showroom in Vietnam. First, they invested over 5 million dollars to enlarge their manufacturing plant, based in the Asian continent, which now extends across 35,800 square metres (previously 18,500 square metres). Now, following that investment, the leather-tanning unit of the Brazilian giant, leading player in the meat […]

Il macello francese di Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët non riesce più a sostenere i costi, anche perchè i prezzi di vendita della pelle sono troppo bassi

French public slaughterhouse faces crisis due to leather price

Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët public slaughterhouse is about to collapse. The French plant, located in a small municipality in the province of the Channel (Normandy), cannot manage to make even its own financial balance. Consequently, on June 4 the Commercial Court of Coutances started a safeguard proceeding to protect public investments and 30 jobs. Reasons for collapse (leather […]

A Milano si è svolta l'Assemblea Annuale Unic - Concerie Italiane

UNIC Meeting 2019, tanners: “We must reach the final consumer”

“We are all united on the same problem: communicating leather”. This is the key on which UNIC – Italian Tanneries intends to invest. President Gianni Russo announced this at Bocconi University in Milan this morning, and the vice presidents, involved in a debate led by journalist Maria Concetta Mattei, reiterated this. “Our mistake is often […]