Tannery: Chanel acquires Colomer (Spain) and concludes its acquisition of Haas (France), that invests 10 million

A summer filled with large operations for French luxury giant Chanel. The brand, according to lesechos.com, has completed its acquisition of Tanneries Haas (which began in 2012). Eichoffen-based Haas specializes (with another handful of transalpine tanneries), in veal leather and employees 115 people and has 41 million euro of revenue”. In 2017, Haas reached production […]

23.5 billion pairs: global production grows again in 2017 (+2%). Average price up 40% in a ten-year period

The numbers come from APICCAPS (Portuguese Footwear, Components, Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association), and it was published in the yearly edition of World Footwear Yearbook. Summarizing the findings: global footwear production in 2017 is once again growing, after a flat 2015/2016 period. The global production’s output last year was of 23.5 billion pairs, 2% more than […]

Duties and a crisis in the footwear sector on one side, automotive and domestic market on the other: the doubts surrounding China’s tanning industry show at ACLE

If the hosts aren’t positive, then the tradeshow can’t be positive. All China Leather Exhibition, the leather fair that took place inside Shanghai’s International Expo Centre (August 29-31), has felt the doubts about the Chinese tanning sector throughout all three days. As shown by CLIA’s numbers, reference association for the entire leather market of Beijing, […]

Helsinki’s Fashion Week wants to stop tanning, Cotance answers: “Unfair and misinformed”

Helsinki’s Fashion Week organizers managed, in one instance, to prove themselves antidemocratic, unfair towards the public, and very misinformed with regards to the actual balance present in the fashion industry’s supply chain. This is Cotance’s (European Confederation of the Leather Industry) accusation against Evelyn Mora, the founder of the event and a high-ranking person in […]

Safety inside tanneries, Cotance presents the findings of the Due Diligence to 100 VIP guests in Brussels, on October 9th

More than 100 VIP guests, representing all levels of production and stakeholders in the leather supply chain will be present at the 2-panel debate. Cotance, European Confederation of the Leather Industry, and IndustriAll (Union for Cotance’s fields), have organized the final conference for the Due Diligence for healthy workplaces in Tanneries on October 9th in […]

Unic at Maison & Objet to show French designers the quality of Italian leather; meanwhile the luxury furniture sector flies high

A showcase of ornaments and complementary furniture objects made with leather, to shoe the French public the stylistic value and quality of Italian leather. UNIC – Italian Tanners’ Association flies to Paris for Maison & Objet (September 7–11), a tradeshow dedicated to design and lifestyle. The Italian Tanners’ Association will be present with 17 products […]

Gucci keeps speeding up, as biannual revenues go up by 40% (+26,8% for Kering)

Kering’s biannual incomes have been enjoying a considerable boost thanks to Gucci’s performance. In fact, in the first six months of the year, the group’s turnover has been increasing by 26,8%, reaching 6,43 billion euros. Such outstanding results have been mostly driven by record accomplishments achieved by the Tuscan fashion house, whose revenues went up […]

September 2018: Lineapelle Innovation Square explores the future. Biotechnologies, robotics, artificial intelligence and much more

The future of leather, fashion and luxury industry is a work in progress. It is due to start officially on September 25-27, at Fieramilano Rho, during Lineapelle95. The fair event is going to open a brand new space, fully dedicated to the most innovative, though actual, frontiers of research over materials and processes. Lineapelle Innovation […]

Automotive industry keeps up: Faurecia goes faster in the half-year period, Adient speeds up in South Africa

Automotive business keeps running fast. In fact, production of accessories (leather vehicle interiors, to begin with) enables top players to enhance their profits and carry out new investment projects. French Faurecia ended 2018 first half-year period by achieving very rewarding accomplishments: overall sales nearly reached 9 billion euros (8,9 for the records), therefore increasing by […]

Argentina’s leather goods industry is collapsing: 70 factories closed in the first half-year, 3,000 jobs gone up in smoke

Over the last 30 months, in Argentina 7,500 plants, manufacturing leather goods and accessories, shut down; as a consequence of that, 70,000 jobs have gone lost. Throughout 2018 first half-year period such haemorrhage did not stop: 70 factories have been definitely closed, and around 3,000 workers are now unemployed. These data, supplied by CIMA, the […]

Siberia, Nigeria. So far, so close, sharing the same plan about fish skins

The name of Siberia’s hub is Novosibirsk Technopark. Here they have implemented a few patents for processing fish skins: all of them are based on the employment of organic tannins whose environmental footprint is considerably low. The first experimental project, which dates back to 2015, was designed by two students, coming from Technopark Summer School: […]

Looking for potential collaboration: Indian leather meets Vietnamese manufacturing

Over the last days, in Ho Chi Minh City India’s consulate in Vietnam promoted a meeting: some corporate representatives of India’s CLE (Council for Leather Exports), along with some delegates from LEFASO (Vietnam Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association) took part in it. That was the aim of the meeting: Indian tanneries want to increase their […]