Italian leather and the last stops of its sustainablity trip

Italian leather and the last stops of its sustainable trip

Sustainability is a trip. A trip with multiple stops that, often, look like turning points. At the same time, a trip that can’t be interrupted and then restarted, but must steadily move forward with perseverance, clear and concrete ideas. This sustainability trip of Italian leather began many decades ago, but throughout the last weeks and hours, it has faced a couple of turning points. First is the Ethical Claim object of a webinar that will take place on September 14th. The second is the pact signed by UNIC – Italian Tanneries and ICEC with the WWF.

The sustainability trip of Italian leather

On Tuesday, September 14th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm on Zoom, UNIC and ICEC will explain the Ethical Claim that allows tanneries to put in black and white the essential aspects of their activities. In other words, the fact that they are able to recover and give value to a byproduct of another industry: the food one. The Claim in question certifies that tanneries “recover leather from the food industry”. Click here to sign up: participation is open and free.

A pact with the WWF

The 2nd turning point is dated September 9th, 2021. UNIC – Italian Tanneries and ICEC have signed a pact with the WWF (The World Wildlife Fund), pledging itself to a program filled with initiatives “focused on giving value to ESG practices” (Environmental, Social, governance). Simply put: they are making an effort to grow sustainable practices within the tanning industry. All with an open, collaborative and science-based approach. The agreement is focused on deforestation and traceability of raw materials, as well as the protection of the environment and water management. The sustainability trip of Italian leather doesn’t stop. Just the opposite, it’s picking up speed.

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