Lineapelle Virtual Networking: sustainability is not a slogan

Lineapelle Virtual Networking: sustainability is not a slogan

It is a value reflected in all company practices, from the supply of raw materials to the relationship with employees. It is a request from the public, who is not satisfied with a product or service, but wants a shared ground of interests. But it is also a field of communication, but in the positive sense. Sustainability is not a slogan, of course.

Together with its implementation, it asks companies for the ability to create around it a story, and a space of communion of purpose with its customers and stakeholders.

“It is part of a set of values ​​that does not come from the supply chain, as in traditional business – explains Giusy Bettoni, founder of C.L.A.S.S., during the first  Lineapelle Virtual Networking meeting -. But from consumers: that’s why transparency is everything. This is why certifications are important: they offer a tool for measuring company results”.

Sustainability is not a slogan

“Public trust is the result of companies’ honesty path, the truthfulness of their storytelling”, adds Will Campbell, founder and CEO of Quantasy + Associates. The Los Angeles-based consultant observes in US consumers, especially in the very young Gen Z, a change of paradigm starting from the way of getting informed: “They do not only rely on corporate communication – he says -, but they also seek indications and opinions in reference community, where influencers act.

Here, companies are called to enter into these circuits, to communicate their values ​​inside the communities”. And while Michele Ciavarella, fashion critic for RCS – Corriere della Sera, invites the supply chain to focus on social responsibility, Bettoni recalls that, for a fashion company, the sustainability of the processes is the most important, because that’s where the overall impact of the product stands.

Lineapelle Virtual Networking

The meeting on July 14 was the first of the cycle of “webinars, thematic e-forums, live presentations” which will be held until August 7. Orietta Pellizzari, curator of the event, recalls that the program (here you can find the details and registration forms for the events on the agenda, until July 17, 2020) involves 30 companies in 20 virtual networking: a way to “know the trends, attend presentations and focus on the central themes of the fashion system”.

Fulvia Bacchi, Lineapelle’s CEO, reaffirms the importance of sustainability for the Italian tanning industry. And she ste the date (“in person or digitally”) in Milan in September. In other words, when, with A New Point of View, it will be possible to resume physical events, albeit in a form appropriate to the times.

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