At Lineapelle94 Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelli delle Materie Concianti (SSIP), the Italian Leather Research Institute, and Italian tanning industry have signed an agreement to invest in research quality, aiming at the leadership of Italian leather. “Over the last year we implemented 10 research projects, mostly focused on environmental sustainability” – summarized Edoardo Imperiale – chief director of the research institute since February 2017 – . We have signed several deals with the Research National Council and various Universities; on top of that, we have already carried out 28 new research lines: each tanning company we are going to deal with individually, more and more in the months to come, may adopt them to improve their manufacturing processes”. The conference, named “Il Piano di Rilancio della Stazione Sperimentale”, that is, the “SSIP’s revamp strategy”, was a good opportunity to take stock of the first operating accomplishments. Imperiale pointed out that SSIP’s second life also requires “a close relocation in the tanning districts. Looking at 2018-2020 industrial plan, development will also be driven by several investments in infrastructures. This year we are going to allocate over 2 million euros to invest in facilities for our new offices in Naples and for the institutes placed in the districts as well”. “Companies consistently demand for update, product innovation and attention to the environmental issue – remarks Gianni Russo, owner of the Conceria Russo di Casandrino and president of UNIC – . Hence, SSIP is our perfect partner along the road to innovation”. “20% of Italian tanneries have a lab, while 4% of the business revenues is invested in research – adds Graziano Balducci, owner of the Conceria Antiba and vice-president of UNIC -. We hope that Stazione will go hand in hand with us, through a planning strategy, thus carrying out a long and profitable cooperation”. “The market loves Italian leather – wraps up Giancarlo Dani, owner of the Conceria Dani and council member of UNIC – also because of its ability to bring innovation and reinvent itself”. The message is clear: keep running, do not stop. Italian leather needs SSIP.
At Lineapelle94 Italian leather and Stazione Sperimentale (the Italian Leather Research Institute) make a deal: innovation and leadership