Bonaudo and Sciarada explain sustainability of leather – VIDEO

Bonaudo and Sciarada explain leather's sustainability - VIDEO

A path, virtuous in purpose and results, which has developed over the years and which is updated on a daily basis. And which is made of technological and process innovation, certifications and personal commitment. Milan Digital Fashion Week dedicates space, in its offer of multimedia contents, to the sustainability of Italian leather. And it does so by leaving the floor to two protagonists of the sector, Alessandro Iliprandi from Bonaudo and Serena Castellani from Sciarada.

The sustainability of leather

“Twenty-six years ago, when I started working, there was no mention of sustainability – recalls Iliprandi -. My idea then was that of a modern, equipped company, capable of attracting young people: I must say that we were able to do so because most of our workforce is made up of young people”. For the Lombard entrepreneur, supplier of luxury brands, the challenge of sustainability certainly cannot be said to have ended like this.

“The audience that look at brands today is a more prepared audience – he explains -. Lineapelle has been talking about sustainability for forty years. Our companies have become leaders in the world not only for quality, but also for sustainability”. Iliprandi takes advantage of the opportunity to warn the public about the risks of green washing: “On one point we need to be clear: it is the term eco-leather (referring to synthetic alternatives, ed) – thunders -, which is absolutely not correct. Because it is not ecological, nor  it is leather”.

An Italian record

The issue is so important for national drums, that it can be talked about as an international record. “In Italian tanning, maximum attention is given to the environment and sustainability, which also passes from the health and safety of workers – says Serena Castellani -. In Italy, we are far ahead because there are very stringent rules”.

According to the Tuscan manager, sustainability includes investing in 4.0 machinery, but also “buying green energy and methane” or “packaging with recycled materials”. Regarding the social implications of the challenge, she explains that Sciarada has “always been attentive to the safety of the workplace”, so that “with Covid, we felt the need to adopt the regional protocol and have it certified by a third party”.

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