Brazil, JBS 360 ° traces leather from breeding to tannery

Brasile, JBS 360° traccia la pelle dall’allevamento alla conceria

A platform that allows you to monitor the product along the entire supply chain, collecting information from breeding to delivery of the finished leather. JBS Couros, the tanning division of Brazilian meat giant, launches the JBS 360° program. The tool, as communicated from Sao Paulo, is available to all customers of the company. JBS Couros boasts a production of 35,000 hides per day, from over 90,000 suppliers, in its 21 production units.


The scheme developed by JBS 360° allows to associate each leather with an identification number. In this way, for example, it is possible to know the slaughtering date, the slaughterhouse and the processing tannery. “We value transparency in communication and negotiations with customers and suppliers – comments Guilherme Motta, president of JBS Couros-. We also guarantee that hides meet the main socio-environmental criteria required by the market”. With the traceability system, that is to say, you can be sure that the materials do not come from deforested areas or from companies that use illegal practices.

Image JBS 360° website


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