California (temporarily) suspends ban on crocodile

California (provisionally) suspends ban on crocodile

Good news from California. They have temporarily suspended (for the time being) the ban on crocodile. In other words, as UNICItalian Tanneries pointed out in a statement, they have temporarily cancelled the prohibition of “selling and trading crocodile and alligator hides (as much as products made from leather)”. Considering the present days, it objectively looks like something (almost) incredible. What happened then?

They have suspended ban on crocodile

The provisional annulment of the ban (which was imposed by California Penal Code) has been “ruled by the District Court of the United States of America for California Eastern District (you can read the verdict by clicking here). The judgement dates to 13th October 2020. Plaintiffs, among whom the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries was standing out, have prevailed in the end. They filed an appeal by recalling, among other grounds, the “supremacy clause”.

The supremacy clause

“Such clause – pointed out UNIC-Italian Tanneries – establishes that the Constitution of the United States and federal laws, made pursuant to it, take priority over any state laws conflicting with federal legislation”. Thus, “in the present case judges have acknowledged the priority of the United States federal law, regarding the safeguard and protection of endangered species (16 U.S. Code § 1535), over California state law (California Penal Code).

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