The French association of tanning (CNC) at the Salon de l’Agriculture (slated to run from February 25 to March 5 in Paris) aims to provide a showcase for the leather industry, and above all, to create an axis between companies who raise the animals and those who then handle a byproduct. According to the CNC, there is a supply problem: fewer than 20% of French origin leather has qualitative characteristics that make them useful for the fashion industry. “Treat well the skin of your animals, because after slaughter will serve to a chain whose sales, an increase over five years, are directed to the 60% export “is the ultimate message from the association. To achieve the goal, CNC also offers a guide that goes by the vaccine against ringworm use of fences and tools that do not damage the hides during the animal’s growth. President Frank Boehly explained that the CNC intends to “preserve the richness of the material and our expertise, both recognised in the world”.
CNC to farmers: “take care of the welfare of your animals to be competitive for the fashion industry”