In 2015, Colombian tanneries obtained the permission to discharge their sewage. Ironically enough, the problem is that a tannery located in Villapinzòn (in the province of Cundinamarca) was used to discharging sewage and waste materials straight into the Rio Bogotà, prior to any required treatment, therefore “jeopardizing the whole river and its ecosystem, not to mention the health conditions of people that live in the area”, as reported by local press. That is why the tannery will have to pay a maxi fine, 531 million Colombian pesos, that is, about 146,000 euros, at current rates of exchange. During the same security operation, Cundinamarca’s police authorities have forced 23 tanneries to close: such manufacturing plants are based in the municipalities of Villapinzòn and Chocontà (picture taken from
Colombia’s authorities proceed against noncomplying tanneries: 23 closures and a maxi fine (531 million pesos) owing to illegal discharges