The drums of the small but historical French tanneries Colombie (28 employees, 3 million euros in turnover) will soon be running. Colombier, founded in 1925, was put up for sale in February due to “significant financial problems”. According to rumors, it was also impossible to found a replacement in the new generation. For this reason, fellow countrymen from Château, a company of Montbron, took over. Château since 1985 has been working in the field of leather. The goal of the new owners is to enhance the production of sheepskin tannery for footwear, small leather goods and, above all, gloves making. Unfortunately, there will be seven layoffs. The local portal, who reported the rescue and from which the photo was taken, says that the former owner, Arnaud Colombier, will remain at the helm of the tannery.
Colombier saved by the fellow countrymen of Château