That’s a tool that enables tanneries to carry out a self-evaluation about risks in their own manufacturing plants. Such project will help companies detect and pinpoint critical situations and, at the same time, plan appropriate action to work them out. Thanks to this service, stakeholders will be provided with fully detailed information about accomplishments that are being achieved in terms of risk assessment. Just one single package, named OiRA Tool (Online interactive Risk Assessment), an effective tool promoted by the European Employment Agency and presented yesterday, in Brussels, during a meeting, arranged by Cotance and IndustriALL, focused on the outcomes of Due Diligence Health and Safety in the leather tanning industry. “It is a complimentary and online tool – pointed out Karla Van den Broek, from Prevent, a company actively playing in the civil protection, training and job safety sectors –; it proves to be extremely useful for small and medium-sized enterprises, which might not afford to hire an advisor, entirely committed to such task, but it is also addressed at major tanneries”.
Cotance presented the latest OiRA updates in Brussels: “A complimentary tool for risk assessment in tanneries”