Enthusiasm, proposals and a desire to work for the future of the Italian tanning industry. Yesterday on the eve of Lineapelle, in Fieramilano Rho, the Gruppo Giovani UNIC (Italian Tanner’s Association Young People’s Group) met to relaunch its identity with new energy. Proposals, active dialogue and enthusiasm, summed up perfectly by Francesca Signorini (Victoria): “This group is an important opportunity for people with similar experiences to share and exchange these and relate to one another. Finding oneself catapulted into the work of employment after university is not easy. Listening to advice from those who have perhaps already experienced the same thing a few years earlier is a big help”. Rocco Finco from Vicenza ( Adelaide) proposes that the Gruppo Giovani focus on a 3-phase development plan: “We need to consolidate our strengths, by creating a feeling of fellowship between those who already participate in the activities of the association. Then we need to propose the group as a platform of ideas, as a meeting place between the experiences in the production districts and as the voice of young tanners. At this point we could convince others to join us and we would be able to make ourselves heard, perhaps also involving those outside the industry and not just those who work in it”. It is also crucial to begin thinking about bridging the generation gap and about the generational change (even within the association) and the young people have many interesting proposals, like Sissi Sari (Martucci Teresa): “We need to find new tools with which to publicise our image. There are too many prejudices connected with those who process leather– she says-. We could speak to young people through the social networks, YouTube videos, a sharing platform that everyone can actively use”. A breath of fresh air is definitely on its way.
Enthusiasm, proposals and a desire to “publicise leather in a new way: more social”: a breath of fresh air from the Italian Tanner’s Association Young People’s Group