Materials’ export numbers decrease, but that of finished goods increases. This is the result drawn by CNC (Conseil National du Cuir) with regards to the French leather industry, and that paints a picture of light and darkness. Finished leather’s export loses 3% on average. At 48.6 million Euros in external revenue, leathers of bovine origin are the ones with the worst variation (-8%): exports toward European countries (+10%) can’t make up for that towards African countries (-21%). At the same time, calf leathers lose much less (-3%), while leathers of ovine origin are in the clear (+12%), and exotic leathers also carry the positive sign (+26%). On the other hand, business for finished products travels at a complete different speed: leather goods gain 12% (3.3 billion Euros), and footwear gains 6% (1.5 billion Euros).
First semester travelling at two different speeds: footwear and handbags’ export grows, but that of skins & hides shrinks