Tanneries and fashion brands that make use of leather, as well as supply networks and stakeholders in the tanning industry are meant to participate. The “Due Diligence for Healthy Workplaces in the Tanning Industry” project, overseen by Cotance (the EU federation of tanning associations), along with IndustriALL-Europe, and based on EU Social Exchange, aims to focus on safety and health conditions in tanneries and in the tanning industry companies. It will also take advantage of an online tool, OIRA, updated and revised, for risk assessment in tanneries. A survey has been operating, for a few days, to monitor the overall situation. Filling in the form (which is available in 7 languages, including Italian) does not require much time; as for answers, confidentiality will be guaranteed. The project results will be published in 2018, in September. For further information, please click here to submit your application.
Focus on health and safety in tanneries, as Cotance presents, along with IndustriAll, their “due diligence” project