The latest edition, namely the third one, took place in Shanghai, China, last September. The next one, that is, the fourth one, will be held in New York: quite an interesting piece of news indeed, from an organization standpoint. The next World Leather Congress, the international conference of tanners, is scheduled on 16 July 2019 in the Big Apple. ICT (the International Council of Tanners) announced the event, “which is going to be organized in cooperation with LIA (the Leather Industries of America), USHSLA (the US Hide and Leather Association) and Lineapelle. By all means, the participation of the most important leather exhibition in the event is of paramount and strategic importance, since the day after Lineapelle New York will kick off at Metropolitan Pavilion (the fair is on the agenda in July 2019, on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18). ICT have emphasized such synergy connection, as they also pointed out that “WLC will not just take place the day before LP New York, but it will also be linked to other events, focused on leather with regard to fashion & design”.
Lineapelle, LIA and USHSLA to arrange the World Leather Congress, scheduled in New York, in July 2019 (the day before LPNY). Scent of leather in the Big Apple