Lineapelle’s Economic Report over leather third quarter says that calf and goat skins increase in Italy, while medium-large bovine hides go up in Europe

Calf and goat skins turnover has been increasing, compared to last year’s same period, while in contrast medium-large bovine hides and sheep skins slow down; slightly the former, more remarkably the latter. Such are the early data about Italian tanning industry, with regard to July-September 2017, provided by Lineapelle in their Economic Report over the third quarter of the year (the entire report can be seen here). In contrast, over the first 9 months of the year in Italy overall sales of medium-large bovine hides have been doing well (+2 per cent on annual basis), as well as goat skins (+1%). Conversely, calf and ovine skins have been going down (-3 per cent on the whole). Lineapelle Economic Department assumes that better performances are still feasible in 2017 last quarter. Glancing at the international situation, in Europe, in the third quarter, medium-large bovine hides have been “generally doing better”, except for France. Conversely, in France and Spain trend is negative, at the end of the term, for sheep and goat leather. Brazilian tanning industry, along with the Mexican and Argentinian ones, keep slowing down, whereas bovine hides are recovering in Asia (China, India and Turkey) apparently.


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