No other material is more suitable than leather to make durable bags and belts. But pay attention: we are not talking about “luxury and durability”, but about an area in which the concept of “durability” is a plus of a fundamental product. A well-known added-value for carpenters, electricians and construction workers in the US, who have been relying on handmade products from Occidental Leather for over 40 years. Born and raised in the small town of Sonoma, California, the US brand has now become a synonym of quality to the point that, while working in a niche segment, Occidental Leather continues to grow, setting up further expansion in the upcoming months. As reported by the local newspaper, the company has planned the construction of a second production plant of almost 450 square meters in the industrial area of Westwind Business Park, also near Sonoma. An enlargement that comes only a few months after that of last autumn. Extra thick leathers, industrial fabrics and resistant seams are the secret to the success of a company that has over 50 employees and sells its products in over 1,000 cities through shops for professionals. “We hope to continue with a growth path – said the president, Peter Rosenquist from the pages of the local newspaper -. Perhaps we will be introducing new products and market segments: we are linked to the residential market, but we are trying to get into that of commercial construction”.