Italian tanneries, represented by UNIC (Unione Nazionale Industria Conciaria, the National Association of Italian Tanneries), have been fighting for that for ages. Likewise, French association CNC, as well as Cotance (the European federation of national tanneries), are very active while urging mischievous players to use appropriate terms. APIC, the association of Portuguese tanneries, is now about to join the fight against the improper and misleading use of such terms as “synthetic leather”, “eco-leather” and “PU leather”, employed to label synthetics. Not fair, not just. As reported by, president Nuno Carvalho is planning to revamp the associations’ activity: one of the actions he is going to take is the launch of several media campaigns to safeguard “leather” and “couro” terms. Dear Portuguese friends, welcome aboard.
Portuguese tanners join the fight: “We shall safeguard leather and couro terms”