Russian meat giant turns into a tanning industry player. Bryansk Meat Company, the operational arm of Miratorg livestock and farm group, headquartered in Moscow, started the building of their first tannery in mid-October. Their investment is by all means remarkable: in fact, Miratorg is about to invest 2,8 billion rubles, that is over 40 million euros, in facilities and machinery, plus 6,5 additional million euros for a detached sewage disposal plant. “Our aim is to step more deeply into the tanning industry in order to expand our product manufacturing – points out Viktor Linnik, chairman of Miratorg – : we are going to supply Russian and international customers with high value added crust”. Launch on the market is due to take place by the end of 2018, as the company will manufacture leather products for car interiors and upholstery. Their productive capacity is likely to be (allegedly on annual basis) 175,000 square metres of semifinished leather.
Russians mean business as Miratorg meat group invests 2,8 billion rubles in a tannery