The key word is “sharing” and concerns the strong identity of Italian leather: its excellence. Sharing as an act of mutuality which, in the specific case we are talking about, calls into question Lineapelle and the very precise target that it wanted to involve: the Korean market. The two-days of the event named #sharinginnovation, two days of presentations and storytelling related to quality, sustainability and the constant innovative evolution of Italian leather and tannery has ended today in Seoul. The feedback is excellent. Yesterday Lineapelle, in addition to having established contacts with the automotive group KYA and some companies active in the contract sector, has investigated the strength of the innovative Italian identity with a group of students from Hongik University Graduate School of Fashion Lie Sang Bong, the most influential Korean fashion designer, known for having collaborated with Beyoncé, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Lindsay Lohan, was with them as their coordinator. Today was the turn (together with the leather craftsmen of Mipel) of a select group of 50 buyers and journalists, who were offered a presentation of innovative materials for the 2020 summer collection, deepening their technical, performance and innovative identity and with that, by being ideal for developing mass customization projects. Given the interest aroused in Korea, the sharing project was successful.
Sharing, promotion, innovation: Lineapelle brings to Seul the Italian excellence and fascinates buyers and designers