New chapter of the dispute between Rompa Leather and the city of Oost Gerle. The altercation between the Dutch tannery and the city’s administration where the tannery is located has reached the State Council, after Rompa Leather’s top management appealed the case which regards the outcome of an inspection. According to what recorded by Dutch website, the experts sent by the city’s administration at the beginning of the month had allegedly found some irregularities regarding the organization of work spaces, as well as others regarding the quantity of H330, tanning agent that the business has in its warehouse. The ball was in the tannery’s court, but with this appeal Rompa Leather is convinced it will be able to prove how every activity within company’s walls is fair and how the quantity of H330 was within the limits imposed by the law. Meanwhile, the parties are in negotiations to find a solution with regards to the alleged unpleasant odors. Twan de Bie, Rompa Leather’s ceo, stated to that: “We have stored products safely for all these years and the most important thing is that we happy to have started a dialogue with the city’s administration to reduce the bad odors that bother residents. This is the only method to reach a positive solution”. The breaking point for the two sides, as reminded by the Dutch news portal, is due to the company’s request for a new environmental permit. The administration had then wanted proof of the compliance of the previous one, issued in 2002, and thus sent the inspectors to check.
The endless story of Dutch tannery Rompa Leather’s dispute now reaches the State Council