To make clear what leather is and, above all, to distinguish what it is not in the traditional sense of the term. It is the priority that places GLCC Global Leather Coordination Committee, representative that includes ICT (International Council of Tanners), IULTCS (the abbreviation that unites leather chemists) and ICHSALTA (the association of traders), in view of the next meeting of the International Standards Organization (ISO). The international reference committee of the leather area, which has always been committed to the protection of the term, asks that in defining the standard it remains explicit that the term refers to materials derived from the processing of animal spoils. But to the attention of GLCC, which met on August 30th in Shanghai during ACLE, in addition to the (unfair) competition of alternative products, there is the challenge of bio-manufactured materials, i.e. those that do not derive from the processing of usual tanning raw material (by-products of zootechnics, hunting, reptile breeding), but from cultivation in the laboratory of collagen. GLCC explains that for the codes of the sector it is a priority to identify technical and commercial definitions that distinguish leather as traditionally understood by bio-manufactured materials. (Also) Lineapelle Innovation Square, the hub for innovation (and inspiration) on show September 25 to 27 at Lineapelle, is dedicated to the theme of the relationship with the new bio-engineering results. Here it will be hosted by Modern Meadow, an American company that is developing a bio-material.