A two-year (renewable) contract and gross salary of 120,000 euros with additional bonus, for someone who is willing to move to Naples (where the institute is based) and above all, who has great expertise in the sector and a clear industrial plan in mind. The Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti (Experimental Station for the Leather and Tanning Materials Industry) published a public advertisement on 30 September announcing the selection of the next general director. Applications (with a deadline of within 30 days of the publication of the advertisement) may be made by letter sent by registered and recorded delivery or delivered by hand. For anyone requiring further details, the advertisement can be found at www.ssip.it. (rp)
The Stazione Sperimentale in Naples is looking for a general director: there are 30 days to put in an application