New managers, new technicians, new expertise. The last prompt, given by speakers gathered at Lineapelle Innovation Square, while exchanging their views at the meeting arranged by Cotance yesterday, is strictly related to the job market potential evolution in the next ten years. Considering the context, marked by radical changes and very rapid processes, it is bound to be a considerable endeavour. Walter Lutz, innovation and skills manager at Euratex, Federico Brugnoli, curator of Lineapelle Innovation Square, Rita Souto, training director at CTCP, Carmen Arias, general manager of CEC, Laurent Zibell, policy advisor of TCLF, together with Gustavo Gonzales Quijano, general secretary of Cotance, gave speeches on the stage of the innovative space while addressing a numerous audience, who turned up at Innovation Square over the three days of Lineapelle95 (on the agenda on September 25-27). Experts and professionals spotlighted a number of topics, deliberately aiming to “picture potential connections that are generally overlooked”. Likewise, the representatives of companies and institutions, gathered on the ground floor at Innovation Square, managed to create several new contacts, not to mention many interesting interactions between the speakers and the public. This is actually the main goal of the project: mission accomplished, we may well say. “Vibrations are very good – remarks Brugnoli, at the end of the three-day event –. Rooms were always packed, and suggested hints and tips aroused interest and curiosity”. The first edition of Lineapelle Innovation Square has just come to and end. Yet, they are already working to arrange the next one, scheduled in 2019 alongside Lineapelle97. “Next week, in Boston, I will have some appointments to meet potential participants – carries on Brugnoli –. By the end of the year, I will have met selected speakers and exhibitors. Lineapelle Innovation Square comes after a long and hard work, which is beginning now. Our aim is to create a community, possibly bound to expand and grow, to foster international cooperation”.
Lineapelle Innovation Square has just concluded its first edition. Time to work on the next one