The fair show is sold out. Simac Tanning Tech made it public while promoting the next edition of the Milanese technology event, scheduled at Fieramilano Rho, on February 20-22, and running simultaneously with Lineapelle96. Given the importance of the exhibition event, “all spaces in the pavilions (for the records, around 19,000 square metres) have been already taken; despite that, we keep receiving applications for participating in the fair”, pointed out Gabriella Marchioni Bocca (president of the exhibition and Assomac as well). Her words are being confirmed by Amilcare Baccini, managing director of Assomac Servizi: “Several manufacturers would still like to come over to Milan and join the fair, but there is no more room. It is sold out. Since we cannot take any further areas, we thought about a few alternative options to potentially provide larger spaces: unfortunately, they will not be available for the upcoming edition”. Over 300 exhibitors will take part in the fair, which is going to “focus mostly on energy-related and environmental issues – pointed out Assomac in their press release -. As a matter of fact, exhibiting companies are consistently working on new and innovative solutions particularly based on efficiency standards alongside the reduction of environmental effects. Their technological supply will mostly hang on such aspects”. Remarks Gabriella Marchioni Bocca: “Companies have been striving hard, for a few years at this point, to ensure valuable, safe and environmentally sustainable technologies; and they are committed to doing so in the years to come as well”. While supporting such attitude, Assomac emphasizes, once again, the importance of joining the “Supplier of Sustainable Technologies project, of which Targa Verde is the first tangible and voluntary element, certified by a third institute: it aims to assess the environmental impact, in terms of carbon footprint, of machines manufactured by associate companies. During the next fair, companies that are taking part in the project will have a chance to present and make known this technology distinguishing feature, while looking at a made in Italy sustainability strategy”.
Simac Tanning Tech is already sold out, 3 months ahead of the fair opening. Focus on “valuable, safe and sustainable technologies”