The Italian tanning sector continues its journey on the path of innovation. The latest demonstration came from the conference on the leather’s supply chain organized by the Experimental Station for the Industry of Skins and Tanning materials. The event, Innovation Village, lasted two days (April 6 to 7) and took place at the Overseas Exhibition in Naples. “Innovation and Industry 4.0 is an issues that we have discussed for some time – says Giancarlo Dani Group chairman and vice UNIC. These two aspects are key to defend ourselves from competition. The market is demanding new things and you have to know how to respond to this.” “We believe in our work, we want to grow in skills and qualities to continue to be recognized as excellence in the world” says Michele De Maio, president of DMD Solofra. The roads to be taken are two, according to Paolo Gurisatti, President SSIP: technology that can provide for the sustainability of industrial processes, and “the consent from the citizens regarding the tanning.”
Tannery 4.0: Naples Innovation Village shares the objectives of Italian leather and the Stazione Sperimentale