The finalists of the World Leather Contest to test the prototypes

The finalists of the World Leather Contest to test the prototypes

The competition is getting ready for phase two. The Italian finalists of the World Leather Contest are expected to test their prototypes.

All 23 students selected by the jury of teachers and professionals will now be provided with the leathers necessary for the development of the creative projects.

These will then be evaluated not only by a jury of high-profile experts, but also by an online popular vote. Finally, the awarding of the winners of each category will take place during Lineapelle February 2021 edition, where the competing prototypes will be exhibited.

The competition

The World Leather Contest was conceived by LHCA, the association of US tanners and traders, and launched on a global scale with the theme “Real Leather. Stay Different”. The competition is promoted in Italy by UNIC – Italian Tanneries and Lineapelle, with the aim of enhancing the excellence of a unique material: Italian leather.

This event is supported by Leather UK in the United Kingdom, by CLIA (China Leather Industry Association) in China, and by TLIA (Taiwan Leather Industry Association) in Taiwan.

The challenge

World Leather Contest invites students to create “unique and innovative accessories and clothing – explain the promoters -, using only leather or, otherwise, combining it with other natural materials”.

Now that fashion schools have reopened, and with them their workshops, the contest can resume at full speed. The goal is twofold. On the one hand, “exploring new stylistic and applicative territories for leather”, giving space and visibility to the ideas of creatives of the near future. And, on the other hand, to offer them the “technical and cultural tools to understand and deepen the identity and value of leather”.

The World Leather Contest finalists

There are three categories at stake. There are 8 finalists for Clothing, and they attend the Master in Fashion Design Womenswear and Fashion Design Menswear at Istituto Marangoni Milano Fashion. On the other hand, 5 finalists have been selected for Footwear, enrolled in the Undergraduate course in Leather Technology at Polimoda in Florence. Last but not least, 10 students enrolled at the Level I course in Costume and Fashion at the Costume & Fashion Academy in Rome were selected for Leather Goods.

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